Chameleon Sleeping Pictures


Chameleon Enthusiast
Sadie glows in the dark when she sleeps.


Sid's colors are gorgeous when he sleeps. This picture doesn't do him justice.


Hendershot, my little blue boy.

I think it should be a sleeping chameleon photo contest!
In my opinion their colors are amazing when asleep and they look so cute!
Now when it comes to Jan's chameleons that's a totally different story.. They always, and all look amazing!:)
Wow Jann, Sadie looks like one of those green glow in the dark necklaces! They are all so beautiful! :)
Thank you so much everyone for your very kind words.

Chase, you changed your user name. :cool: Padre's still doing his winter hibernating thing but starting to move around some and Luie was way in the back of his tree by the window. I'll try to get him tonight.
They are all so very beautiful. See what living a healthy healthy life as a cham at Jann's house can do!
Thank you so much everyone for your very kind words.

Chase, you changed your user name. :cool: Padre's still doing his winter hibernating thing but starting to move around some and Luie was way in the back of his tree by the window. I'll try to get him tonight.

Ya I did :)

Does Padre just not move around? I've read about that hibernation, but don't exaclty know the extent of it. Can't wait to see more pictures :)

Thank you Morgan and Robin.

Chase, Padre just sits in one spot and doesn't come out to eat or drink for weeks. He goes over to the dropper ever now and then and did eat last week for the first time in a couple of months.
Thank you Jason and Lindsey. I am enjoying little Sadie so much. :)

Chase I got a few shots of Luie tonight. If any are decent I'll post a few tomorrow.
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