Chameleon Staying in one spot?


New Member
I don't think this is really an emergency or anything, but I just wanted to make sure this is alright. My female Jackson chameleon, just over a year old, usually stays in one spot of the cage throughout the day. She stays way up at the top of her cage like 6 inches away from her UVB bulb. She poops there, eats there, drinks there, etc. She recently went on a "mini" hunger strike (only for a few days) and didnt poop for like 3 or 4 days but everything is back to normal (yay!). She occasionally takes a wander around, but not often. Is this normal for chameleons?

P.S. She is pretty healthy otherwise.
Most chams pick a favorite spot to hang out on once their morning rituals (warming up, eating or drinking, patroling the turf) are finished and they feel content. In the wild they would pick a good spot that allows them to keep an eye out for food, watch for predators, and that offers the particular temp and humidity level they like at certain times. If she's not showing stress coloration while she's there and isn't ducking for cover when you show up she's not feeling threatened or unwell.
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