Chameleon Teenage Years ???


New Member
O.K...........our "not so nice" after his recent shed Flash has suddenly gotten quite the ATTITUDE. I don't know if it's a "stage" he is going through but I'm hoping that is all it is. He is REAL pissy whenever I open the cage door for anything...........including feeding him.

What's up with that ???? Yesterday when I was putting his crickets in his cage, he actually lunged at my hand and when that didn't work he proceeded to throw himself off of his basking spot. I kept a real close eye on him after his little "attempt at flying" episode and he doesn't seem to be any the worse for wear.

It does concern me though..........because I clean the bottom of his cage on a daily basis. I didn't, however..........clean it off yesterday after his little "tantrum" due to not wanting to stress him any further. I can honestly say that I have never been bit..........but if he keeps this attitude very long that will most likely change.

I am very careful to only move "slowly" and never try to approach him from above...........always from the underneath side. I know that I have read in several posts about them going through "chameleon puberty" and am wondering if this isn't what is going on ??? He is right at 5 months old now, but I don't know how that converts to a chameleons "life stages".

Anyone have any "opinions" as to what is going on ??? I'm telling ya........I ain't never seen anything like the way he is suddenly acting. He thinks he's a REAL badass when I open the cage door to do anything. It's not like I'm just opening it to solicit this reaction, he needs to eat and I like to keep the bottom of his cage and things clean.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that is only a "stage" he's going through.
i have a pissy male veiled i keep hoping for the best but he keeps being a lil meanie and i dont have the pleasure of saying ive never been bit i will just say this for as small as a cham is in comparison to you omg that shit hurt and i had a glove the force in his jaw was quite a shock to me without a doubt if i was not gloved i think i would have been bleeding
My 6 month ambilobe Capone is the same way! It makes it difficult to do anything in or too his enclosure. Most male panthers will settle down by that one year mark. Jethro my red bar ambilobe was a moody youngster,He started getting nice around 10-12 months.Now hes just over 2yrs old and super sweet!! Veilds are a diffrent story!! The male I had veiled BigNasty,was nice when he was little. And got meaner by the month.. he would eat lettice from my hand one min. and bit me the next.He had a evil streek that ran deep.
Yeah, your cham is probably going through his teenage phase. Just try to work with him. Hand feeding, cup feeding, free ranging, and interaction are great ways to try and get him to tolerate you. Hopefully he will settle down when he gets a bit older.
How strange, I just copied this from a post I did a few minutes ago.
Yes an adult can draw blood. A few members have had it happen. But as you know your cham you will learn when 'leave me alone' really means just that. I had a veiled that acted like me would take my head off on a daily basis. He never once bite me, Pickle was all show, and we both knew it. My husband was terrified of him.:D

Some chams are total haters. i find they can usually be "trained" to tolerate us but may never like it. Guess it is just the chams. Mostly I have been lucky. I guess you are in the wait and see mode.
While most folks breed for color, is there anyone who breeds primarily for (good) attitude?

I haven't heard of that. However, if you have a breeder near you, I'm sure they'll let you handle the chams to see which you like best. (In this case, how friendly they are)
From going back ane re-reading a lot of posts about "chameleon puberty", I have pretty much came to the conclusion that it is a "phase" that he's going through.

I also realize that he considers the inside of the cage..........HIS home and I am nothing but a big, ugly trespasser in HIS domain. After all, they are solitary creatures and don't even tolerate each other 'cept for when they find a receptive female.

From what I understand..........MOST of them grow out of this stage. I guess I just didn't expect it this soon. I'll continue to do as I always have and do my best to not disturb him anymore than I have to. Heck, I've got his bigger cage sitting right beside this one. I just haven't put the branches, vines and such in it yet. I was trying to save the bulbs in it until he "grew up" some. Perhaps, if I can find the time this weekend, I'll get it all arranged and just move him over into the larger cage when I do the cleaning. As far as when it's "feeding time"..........he's just gonna have to deal with it. I don't think he's big enough to "eat me".......quite yet, even though he sure has been putting on a good show.

I'm not afraid of getting bitten, I just don't want him to hurt himself while trying to learn to fly off things and bouncing off vines and branches all the way to the bottom of the cage. We'll see how things goes.........maybe he was just having a BAD DAY yesterday. I had to work most of the day today and didn't have time to do anything much. I'll give it another go..........tomorrow and hope for the best. If it still upsets him real bad, I'll figure something out to reduce his feeling so threatened by me.

Time............will tell, I'm sure.
Yeah, your cham is probably going through his teenage phase. Just try to work with him. Hand feeding, cup feeding, free ranging, and interaction are great ways to try and get him to tolerate you. Hopefully he will settle down when he gets a bit older.

Hand feeding, I haven't tried yet..........BUT..........cup feeding is definately out. He just sits above the cup and checks them out. He likes to hunt 'em down, apparently.
Yes an adult can draw blood. A few members have had it happen. But as you know your cham you will learn when 'leave me alone' really means just that. I had a veiled that acted like me would take my head off on a daily basis. He never once bite me, Pickle was all show, and we both knew it. My husband was terrified of him.:D

Some chams are total haters. i find they can usually be "trained" to tolerate us but may never like it. Guess it is just the chams. Mostly I have been lucky. I guess you are in the wait and see mode.

Not sure that he's quite "big enough" to draw any blood yet, but I'm liable to find out over the next few days. Truly, I think it's all show and not easily intimidated.........I'm thinking more of the stress that I'm imposing on him than the "fear" he isn't imposing upon me. :)

I can only hope that he doesn't turn out to be a "hater".........but it will be what it is. I also agree about the "leave me alone" statement. Heck, there are some days that I just want to be "left alone" too. ;) The part about the training them to "tolerate" us.............holds a lot more truth than people realize. I'll just take things slow and easy...............and see what happens.
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i just came on to ask this same question my female is about 5 months old just finished her first shedding and she has been super pissy latley hissing at my and trying to bite me kinda freaks me out like shes part demon i think lol a few weeks ago i was holding her and feeding her by hand and stuff now this?
i just came on to ask this same question my female is about 5 months old just finished her first shedding and she has been super pissy latley hissing at my and trying to bite me kinda freaks me out like shes part demon i think lol a few weeks ago i was holding her and feeding her by hand and stuff now this?

I KNOW what your talking about.......and I guess I just thought it would happen in a more "gradual" type way. LOL...........well I was wrong. :eek:

This was Flash's third shed since getting him at the end of September. He's been shedding almost every 3 weeks to the day since then.

I guess we could call it the "Dr. Jekyll - Mr Hyde" Syndrome.........LOL
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I can only hope that he doesn't turn out to be a "hater".........but it will be what it is. I also agree about the "leave me alone" statement. Heck, there are some days that I just want to be "left alone" too. ;) The part about the training them to "tolerate" us.............holds a lot more truth than people realize. I'll just take things slow and easy...............and see what happens.

From everything you've said I'm pretty sure he's just starting his 'teenage phase'. It's almost like having to train them twice, 'cos they forget it all :) and adults take longer to learn. You did real good the first time though, so that will help. In a few months you'll know for sure what his grown up attitude will be like.........
I think my cham is going through this same phase! she used to be so calm and a week after having her home the lunging and biting started. Then she had a shed and it got worse. I've been told repetition is the key and to keep handling her... but it really is getting worse and worse by the day. She used to calm down after having her out for 5 minutes and now that doesn't happen. She is never calm with me. Please tell me this stops. I do so much for her! I just want her to lone me!! hahah
I think my cham is going through this same phase! she used to be so calm and a week after having her home the lunging and biting started. Then she had a shed and it got worse. I've been told repetition is the key and to keep handling her... but it really is getting worse and worse by the day. She used to calm down after having her out for 5 minutes and now that doesn't happen. She is never calm with me. Please tell me this stops. I do so much for her! I just want her to lone me!! hahah


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you..........and please do the same for me. ;)
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