Hello this is my first time posting about my Cham Zenji. He is usually a very friendly outgoing guy but recently I have noticed he hasn’t been feeling like himself. The first thing I noticed was what looks like bloating to me. He’s also acting lethargic sometimes even just kind of laying on a branch with one leg completely dangling. He hasn’t moved much and is usually really active. I haven’t noticed a bowel movement in maybe 3-4 days. He’s been keeping his head and body almost vertical for the past 3 days as well and I thought it was because I fed him too large of a meal. But he’s also been keeping his eyes closed unless I tap on his glass or touch his side. I do see him moving around sometimes but he always goes back into the same position. Just today while he was sleeping I went in to check on him and he was ‘sleep walking’ up to a higher spot and proceeded to open his mouth and made what sounded like a strained pain grunting. Like he was blowing air out and it sounded strained with breaks in the sound, it was really sad!
I went in a little later to check again and he was opening and closing his mouth. I got a good look inside his mouth the first time to check for maybe a mouth infection but didn’t see anything but I did notice strings of saliva in the corners of his mouth when he would open. I think he is dehydrated as well because his eyes are sunken. I’ve been keeping his dripper running constantly for the past 3 days because the possible bloating and dehydration are what I first noticed. I haven’t seen him drink yet though. Due to the bloating I haven’t fed him for the past 3 days because I fed him 2 very large hornworms which he loves. He could have drank a little when I wasn’t looking. He also acts like his eyes are bothering him. I thought that might be the main problem at first because he keeps his eyes closed, but I think it might just be a secondary problem or even a symptom. But he bulged one of his eyes out today and proceeded to rub it on a log in his enclosure and I immediately tried to help him clean it with some misty/dripping water, it was just a reaction and I hope I didn’t hurt him by doing this. I’m starting to think it could possibly be more than one problem coming on all at once. I think he has an URI mainly and that’s why he’s staying in the position he’s in and made that weird noise with his mouth open. Also the pain or stress from the illness may be causing him to be lethargic and close his eyes. I’m not sure what to think about it but he does have a vet appointment tomorrow at 4 with an exotic animal vet. I’m mostly just posting this for advice for me and for education for other people who may be having any similar issues. I will of course report back on what ends up happening at the vet. Let me know what you guys think!