Need more branches and foliage as well for her health and security. If you can find your chameleon right away there just isn't enough.
I believe what Brody is getting at is if that's all you feed your feeders everyweek that malnourishment can creep in. Mixing in some Bug Burger and/or Cricket Crack will help make it more robust of a gutload. I personally love Bee Pollen for gutloading and so do my feeders. I will give fresh veggies, fresh bug burger, and bee pollen at once. Guess which is usually the first they devour? Bee Pollen is amazing!
Okay, that makes sense. Will order some bee pollen and a burger right now.
I had a bunch more plants and foliage in there, but took a bunch out because looking at all of the set ups on this forum they all seemed to be pretty minimal.
I will put them in right now