Chameleon won't eat crickets

Currently having the exact same issue with my juvenile Panther. He was good for 3-5 crickets per feeding until he found out what mealworms were. Now he crushes mealworms (I gut load them best I can) and turns away from crickets for the past week. Today he took ONE freshly molted, slow cricket and didn't seem as happy about it as I was. My veiled will eat absolutely anything that moves.
Mealworms are the worst you should try silkworms and Dubai roaches
Mealworms are the worst you should try silkworms and Dubai roaches

I only bought them with the intentions of it being one of multiple different feeders on the menu but he got hooked. I have small supers on order to hopefully at least replace his craving for the time with that. And I'm going to get roach cultures going very soon as well.
Every day because I don't want to fast him. I'm not desperate to get him off them yet.

I would get him off the mealworms as soon as possible, they can not only cause impaction, but also prolapses, and malnutrition, plus obesity.
I have a male vield and female panther , they a little over a year old , they wouldn't eat anything but crickets til about a month ago , I tried all other feeders but they wouldn't eat them , then over night bam one morning I fed dubia and they ate them ,,,,,, I feed the every other day about 10 crickets one day and next feeding 5-8 dubia
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