Lukie Pookie
New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Furcifer pardalis male 7 months
Handling - Only handled when purchased to view the chameleon and one time he came out of the enclosure while I was misting and I had to put him back inside.
Feeding - I feed my chameleon 10 crickets everyday and give him hornworms occasionally
Supplements - Repcal calcium with no D3 everyday and Fluker's calcium with D3 twice a month
Watering - I mist about three times a day once in the morning once in the afternoon and once midday.
Fecal Description - Fecal is brown and urates are nice and white. He's never been tested for parasites as far as I know.
History - He has no medical history that I know of
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18x18x36 glass terrarium. This is just a temporary cage while we setup our 24x24x48 reptibreeze.
Lighting - Not sure of brand. It's a dual heat and uv bulb.
Temperature - Basking spot temp is at 89 farehnheit and ambient temps are at 70-75 farenheit
Humidity - Humidity ranges from 50%-70%
Plants - No live plants atm
Placement - Cage is in my bedroom. Usually it's just me in there but sometimes my family will come inside to look at him briefly and admire his colours.
Location - Niagara-on-the-Lake Canada
Current Problem - I recently bought the chameleon just last sunday from these breeders called EhChameleons at the downsview reptile expo in toronto. The morning after, I fed him and he didn't have very good aim. I then realized that he also wasn't shooting his tongue very far. It took him about 3 tries at a very close distance to get a still cricket. I thought maybe the targets were just too small so I bought some hornworms to give him a bigger target. He still missed about three or so times before he just went up to the branch the hornworm was on and just plucked it right off. Is this normal? If not, how can it be resolved?
Your Chameleon - Furcifer pardalis male 7 months
Handling - Only handled when purchased to view the chameleon and one time he came out of the enclosure while I was misting and I had to put him back inside.
Feeding - I feed my chameleon 10 crickets everyday and give him hornworms occasionally
Supplements - Repcal calcium with no D3 everyday and Fluker's calcium with D3 twice a month
Watering - I mist about three times a day once in the morning once in the afternoon and once midday.
Fecal Description - Fecal is brown and urates are nice and white. He's never been tested for parasites as far as I know.
History - He has no medical history that I know of
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 18x18x36 glass terrarium. This is just a temporary cage while we setup our 24x24x48 reptibreeze.
Lighting - Not sure of brand. It's a dual heat and uv bulb.
Temperature - Basking spot temp is at 89 farehnheit and ambient temps are at 70-75 farenheit
Humidity - Humidity ranges from 50%-70%
Plants - No live plants atm
Placement - Cage is in my bedroom. Usually it's just me in there but sometimes my family will come inside to look at him briefly and admire his colours.
Location - Niagara-on-the-Lake Canada
Current Problem - I recently bought the chameleon just last sunday from these breeders called EhChameleons at the downsview reptile expo in toronto. The morning after, I fed him and he didn't have very good aim. I then realized that he also wasn't shooting his tongue very far. It took him about 3 tries at a very close distance to get a still cricket. I thought maybe the targets were just too small so I bought some hornworms to give him a bigger target. He still missed about three or so times before he just went up to the branch the hornworm was on and just plucked it right off. Is this normal? If not, how can it be resolved?