Chameleons and Bird Toys


New Member
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I was wondering if you could put bird toys in a chameleon enclosure? Would they like them (maybe to climb on)?
I know people have used them before. If your going to get a ladder try to find one that in not super smooth because chams can have a hard time getting a good grip on that kind of stuff.
My chams love the ladders, but I wouldn't get any of the brightly colored bird toys - like the string of multi-colored blocks, or things like that.
My panther loves his rope ladders- I have them hanging around for free ranging but also in his house- I cut sticks, drilled the ends and threaded 6mm synthetic rope -( the natural sisal one i thought was way too spiky and shed bits too ) through and made my own- ended up with about 10ft of rope ladders for only a few £'s.
You can just about see them in the background-there's also that expanding trellis made from willow- I covered the back of the viv- with a gap so he could get his fingers round it but not get his body behind it- it's great- makes the entire back of the viv accessible for climbing over. sorry I couldnt find another clearer pic.
My panther loves his rope ladders- I have them hanging around for free ranging but also in his house- I cut sticks, drilled the ends and threaded 6mm synthetic rope -( the natural sisal one i thought was way too spiky and shed bits too ) through and made my own- ended up with about 10ft of rope ladders for only a few £'s.
You can just about see them in the background-there's also that expanding trellis made from willow- I covered the back of the viv- with a gap so he could get his fingers round it but not get his body behind it- it's great- makes the entire back of the viv accessible for climbing over. sorry I couldnt find another clearer pic.
Too cute. :love:
My girl loved bird ladders. She did like to climb through them though and ended up actually separating a few rungs. Something to keep an eye on at first, as they could possibly get stuck.
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