Chameleon's eye is closed


New Member
So I noticed today that my Veiled is keeping his left eye closed and rubs it against the branches at random times. I was thinking he had some shedded skin in his eye but he shed like 2 weeks ago and he just started doing it. I feed him daily crickets that are dusted with D3 and he drinks from a dripper and i also mist the terrarium around 3 times a day. I also noticed that he doesn't know how to use his tongue? Like when he goes to get a cricket with his tongue, he could be like an inch away and he'll still miss. I thought it was because he was young but i see videos of chams smaller then him catching crickets from far away.
Welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear about your little man's issues. Some of his problems could be caused by all the d3 you are giving him. D3 should only be used twice a month. Calcium without d3 can be used at most feedings for young chameleons and he needs a multi vitamin twice a month. Please post some photos of him and fill out the Ask For Help form linked below.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Chameleon, had him for about 3 months
Handling - About a couple times a week ill hold him for him to get used to me
Feeding - Feeding him crickets (that eat carrots) dusted with calcium without d3 daily and with d3 once a month
Supplements - Repticalcium without D3 and repticalcium with D3
Watering - I have a dripper at the top of the tank and i also mist 3 times a day
Fecal Description - The poop is brown and urate is yellowish white.
History - none that i can think of

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen Cage 4' high 2' wide and 2' long
Lighting - reptiglo 13 watt 5.0 UVB, on for 12 hours, also have a reptile uvb 100 13 watt above my pothos plant that i would turn on here and there to help the pothos grow and a heat lamp dont recall the brand
Temperature - basking spot is about 90 degrees. at night the tempt drops to about 60-70
Humidity - humidity is at 70
Plants - Mix of fake plants and real plants, real plants include a pothos and i dont remember what the name of it is, but ill post a pic
Placement - cage is on the floor to the left of my computer desk in front of a window
Location - Massachusetts
Cant really take a good pic of his eye atm because hes tucked up to the corner of the cage but ill post a pic of his setup
Your set up seems ok. Your cage is probably large for a 3 month old. Do you cup feed or set the crickets free? Maybe your basking temp is a little high, but that would not cause one eye to close only. I would try feeding your crickets more fresh fruit and veggies and also add a multi vitamin into your dusting schedule twice a month. Also start adding some more feeders to his diet. Some silkworms would be a good choice. As far as his tongue, he is very young to be having issues already with it as far as the troubles being caused by calcium deficiencies or other imbalances. It is possible he injured it. When you say he cannot use it, does it shoot out at all, or just a short distance.? Is he missing his prey? If so, he probably cannot see right with one eye closed. Do you see him eat, drink? As far as the eyes goes, I would get some plain saline(not visine)that people use for contacts and try flusing out the eye. If that does not work, then I would have him taken to a vet and have it looked at. He could have an infection that might require antibiotics.
Carol has offered you some excellent advise. The only thing I would like to add it at the first sign of an eye problem I give extra long warm mistings. Sometimes this will help. As Carol said he could have an eye infection and need to go to the vets for antibiotics.
I have some crickets roaming and i have a cup attached to a branch with crickets in it so if he cant catch them he could go in the cup and eat. Any multi vitamin brand suggestions? And as for the tongue, he shoots it but it'll completely miss the cricket even if the cricket is right there. And I've noticed he hasn't been able to use his tongue before his eye closed so I don't think its because the vision
Heres some pics of his left eye, he had it opened for a bit but shortly closed it after


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He looks dehydrated, and skinny. You need to make sure he is getting plenty to drink. And you might try to hand feeding him to make sure he is eating. I had a female once that I saved from a pet store who had MBD real bad and couldn't use her tongue either, but would take a cricket from my fingers worth a try. Good luck :)
When i first got my panther about a month ago, i noticed that he kept his left eye closed. There was no swelling or discharge so i didn't think it was an infection. 2 showers and upped mistings didn't seem to have an effect. While doing some research, i read that one eye closed can be a sign of a possible Vit A deficiency. When i checked my supplements, the ones that contained Vit A used beta carotene as the source (prOformed). So i purchased a bottle of 8000 iu Vit A (retinol palmitate) capsules and gave him one drop on a hornworm last monday. Within 3 days, he was keeping his left eye open alot more and seemed more energetic. Because of how toxic too much Vit A (preformed) can be, i haven't done a 2nd dose but i did purchase a supplement that contained Vit A palmitate that i plan on dusting with maybe twice a month. Not sure if this is the issue with your little guy, just thought i'd share my experience. Best of luck!
How big are the crickets and how many does he eat a week?
Can he move in and out of the UVB at will?
Do you see him drink?
Hi Ryan
Two things: from the picture, it seems like your chameleon is very thin (like cachectic thin). It is very likely you will need a vet to help you fix this ocular problem because it is possibly the top of the iceberg: he may just be very weak, have generalized vitamin A deficiency or another internal organ problem. To give you a comparison, it is like asking to fix the yellow skin of somebody with liver cancer... that does not really get to the bottom of the problem. So again, you need to find a veterinarian in your area, if possible an exotic pet specialist.
So I'm looking for a vet that can care for chameleons in my area. I've been misting his tank more often to make sure he's getting hydrated and I have a dripper running and I've seen him drinking. Also I've been hand feeding him crickets to make sure he eats. I think it could also be the lack of vitamin A. I have a schedule for dusting the crickets and i want to check with everyone if its good, so:

Monday-Friday ill feed him 10 crickets a day dusted with calcium without D3
Every other Saturday I'll feed him 10 Crickets dusted with calcium with D3
Every other Sunday I'll feed him 10 Crickets Dusted with Herptivite
If he's eating ten LARGE crickets a day he shouldn't be that something else is going on so I don't think you have much choice but to see a vet.

You could improve your feeding/gutloading of the crickets. I recommend using a wide variety of greens such as collards, escarole, endive, dandelion greens, kale, etc and veggies such as carrots, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini, sweet potato, etc.
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