Chameleon's eye?


New Member
Hello, my Chameleon has a darker spot below his eye, we suspect it might be shedding but not 100% sure (he has been rubbing his other eye on a branch, haven't seen him do it with this eye). I have googled and looked on here but haven't found anything, if someone could please confirm or inform on what it may be please let me know. Thanks :)


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@Dgrl2007 No one here can tell with 100% certainty what is going on but we can share some of the things we have learned about chameleons.

Often when a chameleon's skin is traumatized--and it can be very insignificant trauma--the skin will show black. People often say that it is a bruise, but a bruise is basically bleeding under the skin and that is not what is going on. Regardless of what people call it, basically if the skin is damaged it can develop a black spot.

These black areas can be from just a bit of pressure from restraining a chameleon at a vet's. It can be from a rub on a branch. Bottom line, a black mark showing up does not necessarily suggest anything of significance. It might, but usually not.

Looking at the picture, it seems he is shedding under the eye. Maybe he rubbed his eye on a branch. If you can, put him out in natural sunlight for maybe 20 minutes (making sure not to terrorize, dehydrate or overheat him. Natural sunlight usually triggers a good shed.

Also, some babies just seem to have black rings around their eyes. Personally I don't think that is good, but that is pure gut feeling on my part with no science behind it.

If he were mine, I would wait and watch. Taking photos on a regular basis gives you something you can look back on and compare with over time. Memory is not a good way to evaluate the progress of something like this.
@Dgrl2007 No one here can tell with 100% certainty what is going on but we can share some of the things we have learned about chameleons.

Often when a chameleon's skin is traumatized--and it can be very insignificant trauma--the skin will show black. People often say that it is a bruise, but a bruise is basically bleeding under the skin and that is not what is going on. Regardless of what people call it, basically if the skin is damaged it can develop a black spot.

These black areas can be from just a bit of pressure from restraining a chameleon at a vet's. It can be from a rub on a branch. Bottom line, a black mark showing up does not necessarily suggest anything of significance. It might, but usually not.

Looking at the picture, it seems he is shedding under the eye. Maybe he rubbed his eye on a branch. If you can, put him out in natural sunlight for maybe 20 minutes (making sure not to terrorize, dehydrate or overheat him. Natural sunlight usually triggers a good shed.

Also, some babies just seem to have black rings around their eyes. Personally I don't think that is good, but that is pure gut feeling on my part with no science behind it.

If he were mine, I would wait and watch. Taking photos on a regular basis gives you something you can look back on and compare with over time. Memory is not a good way to evaluate the progress of something like this.

Thank you, we will probably try to take him out and facilitate a shed, I will keep pictures as well, hopefully it's nothing bad.
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