Chameleons from Ankify


New Member
Hello friends,
As i promised I updated my website with new chameleon pictures.
These update shows new species like Furcifer rhinoceratus
and a lot of new Stories and pictures of Pantherchameleons in different colormorphs.
Dont miss the storie about the two rivals on
I still work on my website to fill up with all my pictures of my last journey in Madagaskar 2010.
Enjoy the pictures and dont hesitate to make a comment on my website.
Thank you in advance


  • ankify_male1a.jpg
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Those are some amazing photos! The female Furcifer labordi has got to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing!
Amazing pictures - have visited your site before and love the updates. Every time I see a pic of a cham in the wild they look so much happier than the ones in cages. Sorry- my opinion! I am a cham keeper myself but the shots in the wild are beyond compare.
Sir spiral tail, if you look in the top right you can translate it into english through google. It might help with reading it. Lol. the pictures of chams in the wild are amazing and so much better looking than those in captivity. The ambilobes on your site are unmatched by just about anything I've seen in captivity, sept a few select super ambilobes here and there.

oh geeze, I just drooled on my key board! ;) these animals are gorgeous and wow that specimen with more orange got punked! lol ;)
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