Chameleons in school


New Member
I'm the head of a primary school in Wales. I'm sure many wouldn't advocate chameleons as school pets.... However we have kept several reptiles in the school foyer for a number of years and they appear relatively stress free. In our school foyer we have three 7 foot tall vivarium housing separate veiled chameleons. The children feed all creatures and they are quiet around the creatures and its great to see their enthusiasm... This was especially true when we managed to hatch 42 baby chameleons!!!
We are currently working with some Pygmy Leaf Chameleons and were disappointed that within a few days we had lost 2. Thankfully things have now settled and the remaining 8 appear healthy. We are at a loss why we should have lost them as the temperatures and everything else appear perfect. As these are sensitive creatures the children don't handle them. I removed the ferns bought from a local nursery for fear of pesticides.
I am looking forward to reading more posts and sharing some of the expertise from this forum with my students.

In our school we have Yemen Chameleons, Pygmy chameleons, several species of gecko eg Madagascar Day Gecko, Standings Day Gecko, Kosch's Gecko, Tiger-crested Geckos, Leopard Geckos and Moroccan Dabtails, Berber Skinks, Knights Anole, Leopard Tortoise, Red-footed tortoise, Horsfield tortoise, jungle nymphs, Argentinian Horned Frogs, Chinchillas, hamster......
Our school creatures page doesn't look good in apple we are working on a solution:
May I just say welcome to the forums and I'm so jealous that I didn't go to school in Wales! Those kids are so lucky! Please, when you can, add some pictures of all of your vivariums and other critters - we'd love to see them. As for your Pygmys, if you'd like, fill out the How to ask for help sticky note. I've never kept them, so would not be the one to answer, however there are quite a few knowledgeable people here on the forum who can assist you with questions. Welcome again! :D
I'm sure everyone on the forum would absolutly LOVE to see some
pics of your school and the reptiles :)

I know I would
I'm so jealous! The only school pets I had were a leopard gecko and a chinchilla!

Of course, my school didn't properly care for the gecko :( and at the time I knew nothing of reptiles, but she had MBD, improper lighting, no Calcium dust, and sand in her enclosure :( After that I researched EVERYTHING I could before getting my chameleon.

You should post pictures!! We would LOVE to see them :D:D:D
Well done for having them in school. Nowadays there seems to be so many barriers put in place to prevent this happening.:D:)
I'm a fourth grade teacher and I my panther chameleon lives in our classroom. Check out our video to see the kids in action with him. He motivates the kids who usually hate school. They suddenly have something to write about and read about that they are actually excited about! Great job, and thank you for being an educator, I know how hard you work!

Here are my "27 ninjas" from last year with Fuego.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll post some photos tomorrow


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Here are some chameleons that we saw when I took some students to Madagascar earlier this year. Can anyone identify them :)
I'll post photos of our set up tomorrow.
Almost stepped on this as we walked through Ranomafara rainforest


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Found this by the tent with a torch - ran to get students and camera and spent an hour looking for it as I forgot to mark the point. I think it was blue-footed chameleon


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Another species we found on our travels to Madagascar but don't know what species.


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Welcome to the forum! You will learn so much on here. I would have LOVED to have reptiles(especially chameleons) when I was in school! I'm sure they give the kids so much to get excited about, as well as serve as wonderful educational tools, since the children must learn husbandry and how to act around the reptiles. Very neat!! I am looking forward to hearing more about the program and seeing more pictures!!
Welcome! I think it's wonderful that you introduce the kids to these great animals!

I had a fourth grade teacher that brought snakes, mice, spiders, etc. I also had a biology teacher in 8th and 9th grade that had a room full of snakes, lizards, and other animals. I truly believe that has a great deal to do with my own love of all animals. I know that's why I'm not afraid of reptiles. I just wish some of my friends could have had the same experience.:rolleyes:
Vicarious at the school

We have three of these vivariums. Approx 7 feet tall. Originally made to display trophies but with a little adaptation they house chameleon, knits anole and tiger crested geckos


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Red footed tortoise, Moroccan Dabtails and Madagascar day geckos among others live here


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