Chameleons of Madagascar DVD

if you search it on youtube theres some clips from it, possibly even the whole video in seperate sections, check it out!
Hope its ok that I interrupts.
Does any one know who produces them?
The reason why I ask, is because I might want to buy a hole lot of them, so I can sell them on my site (dont want to earn money on it, just offer it for the people in Denmark), so I want a good price.

if any one knows, pleace pm me.
I has it....borrowed it( thanks dave), but I think my rental is due next week.

Its allright. If you can get it cheap or borrow it, do so. However I don't know If I'd spend more than a few bucks for it.
I have the dvd and I think it is really good. It is great for an educational dvd about chams in the wild.
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