New Member
I don't care what people say, chams do recognize their owners. I have a juvenile Flapneck with one good eye, so I give him extra special care, I put ointment in his bad eye, I hand feed him, etc, and he has learned to accept it and does really, really well when it is time for his treatment and feeding. So my niece who is really into vet medicine wanted to treat him, and he would have nothing to do with it... he turned his black spotted and white very upset color, climbed all over her... she could not hold him if her life depended on it and she is great with chams. He kept trying to climb over to me and had his arms stretched out to me to get to me, so I took him and he climbed over to me on my chest and curled his tail, went back to normal color, and kept his one eye on her for the next 20 minutes that I held him. I was curious to know if it was something else that had panicked him, so I handed him to her again and he turned black spotted and white and scrambled back over to me as fast as he could, crawled up on me, curled his tail, and went back to his normal color. It was so adorable I just had to share this cute story with everyone.
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