Chamelon moving?


New Member
I just moved my female Jackson Chameleon over to a 18x18x36 about a week ago. She was in an 18x18x24. She just started drinking and eating again, which is good. I think she is starting to get used to it. There are 2 problems though. First, she used to eat the insects right out of my hand. Now she will only eat them from inside her cage or in a bowl. 2nd, she used to eat like 8-12 crickets every other day. Today she ate like 4 or 5. I left some in her cage too. Does this seem alright?
How does she seem otherwise? Is she active and basking and drinking? It might be that she's still settling down in her new environment, it can take them a while to feel secure. How's her poop, if you have seen any yet?
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