Chams and locations


Hello. I was reading a post in one of the discussions :) Can't find it now. That people who choose a type of cham that is complimentary to the environment/location that the person lives in is easily successful.

Has anyone ever spent the time figuring out what locations in N.America (or anywhere else) are more conducive to raising/owning a certain type of cham?

Just curious. I know many have dedicated rooms where they can manipulate the environment to work for the cham(s) they own.
Exception made for the southern parts of the US and Mexico, climatic conditions are going to differ from those of the original habitats of most chameleons. Whether it is temps or humidity, something is almost inevitably different, at least seasonally....
Well, people do this to make their life easier and the life of the chameleon more comfortable.

For example, since I live in hot, humid Florida, I can do very well with chameleons that like it warmer, like panthers, veileds, etc. But if I wanted to keep a montane species that need it to be very cool, I may have a much harder time meeting their requirements.

But someone who lives in Montana may do very well with montane animals, since their house is probably cooler most of the year. They don't worry about the AC not keeping up with the summer heat and walking into a 90F reptile room.

So that's all it is. But it depends on how well you can meet their requirements in your specific location and situation.
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