chams are very nasty lately!!

Tandra Lee

New Member
hi all.i was wondering if any one can offer some ideas as to why my chams are so pissed off thinking that its because i have recently(1 wk ago) re-done their enclosures and they are sick of me fiddling with everything...we have built an awesome drainage system when we installed their monsoons,placed in diff plants(live and cham safe ones) and they are now in an east facing window(they do recieve some sun but not alot,not overheating,temps are well within the safe and healthy ranges, their diets are well balanced and very nutritional,their water,supplement,vitamin intake is good(advice i learned from senior members on here and hrs and hrs of reading all the comments/questions on the forums on here)they seem so happy and alert and just chamy when im not near them,my biggest veiled male(MOE) is roughly 7 mnths old(unsure because of where i purchased him,pet store) and the other male(JOE) is around 3 mnths(again not positive,pet store purchase) they are housed in seperate enclosures as well.Joe used to be so loving (as loving as a cham can be lol) and since his big move he is lunging and hissing like crazy,i suspect he would actually bite me if i moved in any closer,so i dont cause i dont want to freak him out any more than he seems to be..Moe will play like a skinny stick and slink sideways on a vine or brach thinkin i cant see him lol and he will at times let me pick him up,other times he will hiss so i leave him alone(he hasnt changed much in personality(at times happy to climb on and others times forget it lol)so im thinking its because i have recently changed their furniture and upgraded it and relocated their enclosures..??or could it just be that Joe is displaying his rebelious teenage times?? as i stated Moe seems to be pretty much the same..any and all ideas are very much welcomed..thanks everyone:)
Most male veileds get nasty with age.I have A huge veiled male his name is big nasty. There are A few nice ones out there but not to many.Not sure how you feel about panthers but I have found them to be some what easyer to handle.There care is verry simular.
My adult, veiled, male, cham isn't crazy about me either. He is very nosey though. He seems to like to watch me and go out of his way to do so, as long as I'm not too close to the cage. I play hide and seek with him; I'll get in a position where he cannot see me and he always moves around the cage until he can see me. He seems to prefer even looking at my face/head as well, because even if I only hide my face behind the tree in his cage (and he can only see my body) he will move around the cage until he can see my face (strange huh?). Like yours mine also threatens to bite me all the time (when I need to handle him) but he's "all show, no action" and hasn't bitten me.
thanks guys,my big one has bitten me but then looked as shocked as i was lol after he did..and ya little Joe isnt being very nice whatsoever..thinkin i will just give him some space and time to adjust and see if he comes around..a panther seems to be very pretty and i have thaught of getting one,but i think if i get any more chams in the near future my other half will either move out or ask me to go lmao!! i will also give him some time to adjust on this issue heehee..but i do know that in time i would love a fem veiled...and perhaps a diff species too..oh how the years will be filled with chams!! i may end up single but i sure wont be bored as they tend to keep you occupied and busy lol..;) still looking for more advice if anyone has any to offer.thanks
I just sort of inherited a male veiled - his name is now Cujo. My arm will swear to it being a good name for him.:eek: But give him a month and he will be calmer.:)
thanks laurie,i have had my biggest cham for quite awhile now and little Joe for only maybe 1 mnth..he was so sweet..alsmost seems like a diff cham now..maybe i should call them hekyl and jekyl with the way their personalities seem to change so rapidly from moment to moment hahaha..or maybe offer prozac!! seriously i am kidding on the prozac lol..hmmnnn a thaught,maybe i should take the prozac and their personality changes wont affect my emotional state as much hahahahahahah:p
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