chams eating pinki mice?


Established Member
Eating pinki mice? vet said that adult chams can eat pinki mice ( small small ones) is this true...chams eating a rodent? thought they were instect eaters stricktly....please clear it up evryone im confused!( im feeding crix and super worms curently)
Chameleons can do indeed mice if they are offered. I regularly feed all of my adults’ mice, especially the females as they are full of all kinds of healthy stuff. Don’t over do it though.
Pinky mice can be offered a couple times a year. Not too often, as they're sacks of fat and protein... not a good feeder.


as they are full of all kinds of healthy stuff.

Such as...?
Only if he's a large adult! Personally, I tried to feed my chameleon a pinky once, he wanted nothing to do with it and I had to return it.

Isn't your chameleon still really young?
Such as...?
Bones for calcium. Sure, they are fatty and full of protein, but not so much it wouldn't be alright to give one or two to a chameleon. However, if you have breeding female that just laid eggs, it's a good boost.

They should be used sparingly as a treat.
Pinky mices bones are uncalcified... thats just what I read. I could be wrong though. I remember reading that when they get older their bones become better and more calcium rich. Yes, after laying eggs or if the cham is sick they are an excellent feeder.

my senegal ate one once. i wasnt offering it to him he just figured it was his and not the pacman frogs lol he never ate another. i would only do it once a year or so. but not often
I have heard many mixed views on this subject, I have never fed any of chams mice and may try it in the future. Just as a couple times a year treat.
I give my males small pinkies 2 times a year. If I have a gravid female, I will feed her 1 during the egg cycling process, and 1 after she lays her eggs. Other than that I stick w/ crickets, dubias, hornworms, and silkworms. Basically, pinkies are fatty globs w/ a VERY LITTLE bit of calcium boost. Hope this helps.
Pinky mices bones are uncalcified... thats just what I read. I could be wrong though. I remember reading that when they get older their bones become better and more calcium rich. Yes, after laying eggs or if the cham is sick they are an excellent feeder.


You are not wrong. Pinkies are little blobs of fat and offer almost no value (small amounts of preformed A perhaps, but that's it). Should not be used as a feeder unless you are trying to fatten up a recovering animal.
Pinky mices bones are uncalcified... thats just what I read. I could be wrong though. I remember reading that when they get older their bones become better and more calcium rich. Yes, after laying eggs or if the cham is sick they are an excellent feeder.


I agree, my vet told me that they have cartilage at that stage. I still give my Melleri one every once in a while.
do u feed these pinkies live? as in uk its illegal to feed live mammals to reptile unless u have a licence when certain reptiles refuse to eat dead ones:confused:
Pinkies are fatty and unnatural. I use baby and juvie brown anoles. Some I captive hatch and some are caught. My chams love them! They dont have all the useles fat like mice, also the c.h. and w.c. get fed gutloaded insects. The anoles are full of calcium, vitamin A and other good stuff naturaly the gutloading only improves them. I never use adults as they have a higher risk of carrying parasites. Lizards make great food for lizards!
My Panther so far had had 3 pinky mice as a snack within a coarse of a week. Whoever says its bad for them, then I dont know because he had a huge energy and growth boost. He shed every three weeks for the next 9 weeks. He looked very happy and haelthy and had no problem going back to his superworms and crickets.
My Panther so far had had 3 pinky mice as a snack within a coarse of a week. Whoever says its bad for them, then I dont know because he had a huge energy and growth boost. He shed every three weeks for the next 9 weeks. He looked very happy and haelthy and had no problem going back to his superworms and crickets.

We will talk again when he dies because of adiposias long time before the normal lifespan :rolleyes:
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