Chams wont eat!


New Member
Hi all...I have 2 chams, a panther and a veiled. They are almost 2 years old now. I have been trying to give them variety with feeders, but they are now on a total food strike. The will ONLY eat superworms. They also like hornworms, but I can't get those all the time. I have a dubia colony and they wont eat those, or crickets at all anymore. If I put a superworm in there, they grab it instantly. How can I get them back to eating other things?
Stop feeding the superworms completely, and keep offering crickets and roaches until they give in...they will get hungry enough to eat them eventually. If you keep giving in and offering them candy aka worms they will keep refusing the healthy stuff.
I totally agree. Let them be on strike. Offer crickets everyday until they eventually eat them. They always end up giving in.
On the same subject, how long can they go without eating if trying to get them to eat a different food source?
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