Change in behavior


New Member
Hey everyone i have a 7 month old tamatave chameleon that has had a strange change in behavior the last few weeks. He used to climb around, explore ate like a pig a dropped bowel movements like it was goin out of style. Now he wont eat, barely moves around and spends most of his time in his ''sleeping area'', i check on him to make sure he isnt sleeping during the day as ive heard its a bad sign. He does not seem to be sleeping during the day but just stays in his sleeping position 90% of the time. He isnt eating really, havent seen him drinking and am just generally worried about my pal. What should i do?

Automister every 2 hours for 30 seconds
basking temp of 90 degrees coolest part of cage is 75 measure with a temp gun
Feed crickets gutloaded with a store bought cricket gutload and dusted with calcium everytime

please any advice that could be given would be awesome im not sure what to do and i dont know if i should bring him to a vet or what is up with him.
Please fill out the form below. Try to be specific as possible as that will help us understand what is going on with your cham.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
Im on LI also, what other supplements are you using? Cal with d3 should be every two weeks also a multivitamin every two weeks but not at same time as d3. Also how old is your uvb bulb...deff fill form out. More info the better
Your Chameleon - Male Tamatave chameleon 6/7 months old have had for 4 months
Handling - pretty often, only because he climbs out of his cage onto my arm i dont try to hold him
Feeding - Crickets gutloaded with a store bought gutload and dusted with calcium, feed 7-10 a day
Supplements - Dusting with calcium without d3 daily
Watering - I have an automister that goes every 2 hours for 30 seconds, i run a dripper once a day or so for a few minutes and mist the cage whenever it looks dry
Fecal Description - Dark stool with white/orange urate.
History - n/a

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Full screen enclosure 3 feet by 3 feet by 18 inches
Lighting - I use a 60 watt zoomed blub for basking and reptisun 5.0 for uvb
Lights generally go on before i leave to work 630 am and off around 6/7 pm
Temperature - Cage floor is 75 degrees basking temp is 90 measured with a temp gun lowest overnight temp is probably 70s
Humidity - The humidity is a nightmare, it ranges from 40-80 i try to keep it at least 60, i have a guage mounted on the screen at all times
Plants - I have dracena plants i forget which type a large corn one and 2 smaller ones
Placement - The cage is located as you walk into my apartment, highly trafficed in the living room, no fans or vents in the vicinity, cage sits about 3 feet off the floor top of cage is about 6'
Location - long island new york
Current Problem - as was said before my chameleon was all honky dorey untill a week or so ago when he started behaving strangely, he went from exploring his cage nonstop, eating and pooping normally. Came out of the cage regularly. Now he just sits in his sleeping position most of the time every once and awhile roams the cage but only for a little while then returns to his sleeping position. He will eat but doesnt seem as interested as he used to be. I just want to make sure he is ok or if public opinion would suggest me taking him to a vet. Thanks
@onemorecast where on long island we talkin nassau ? suffolk? i ask because should i need to go to a vet ill need to find one
Have you tried mixing up the variety of feeders you're giving him?

He might be bored of crickets, try worms and roaches too.

Leave the dripper running all day if you can, that way he has access to water whenever he wants.
Your Chameleon - Male Tamatave chameleon 6/7 months old have had for 4 months
Handling - pretty often, only because he climbs out of his cage onto my arm i dont try to hold him
Feeding - Crickets gutloaded with a store bought gutload and dusted with calcium, feed 7-10 a day
Supplements - Dusting with calcium without d3 daily
Watering - I have an automister that goes every 2 hours for 30 seconds, i run a dripper once a day or so for a few minutes and mist the cage whenever it looks dry
Fecal Description - Dark stool with white/orange urate.
History - n/a

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Full screen enclosure 3 feet by 3 feet by 18 inches
Lighting - I use a 60 watt zoomed blub for basking and reptisun 5.0 for uvb
Lights generally go on before i leave to work 630 am and off around 6/7 pm
Temperature - Cage floor is 75 degrees basking temp is 90 measured with a temp gun lowest overnight temp is probably 70s
Humidity - The humidity is a nightmare, it ranges from 40-80 i try to keep it at least 60, i have a guage mounted on the screen at all times
Plants - I have dracena plants i forget which type a large corn one and 2 smaller ones
Placement - The cage is located as you walk into my apartment, highly trafficed in the living room, no fans or vents in the vicinity, cage sits about 3 feet off the floor top of cage is about 6'
Location - long island new york
Current Problem - as was said before my chameleon was all honky dorey untill a week or so ago when he started behaving strangely, he went from exploring his cage nonstop, eating and pooping normally. Came out of the cage regularly. Now he just sits in his sleeping position most of the time every once and awhile roams the cage but only for a little while then returns to his sleeping position. He will eat but doesnt seem as interested as he used to be. I just want to make sure he is ok or if public opinion would suggest me taking him to a vet. Thanks

Thanks for filling out the form. A few things that I've noticed...

-What kind of gutload are you using? If it's fluker's orange cubes or something similar, it is not good enough. I recommend a gutload such as bug buffet, cricket crack, super chow, or even Repashy's bug burger. You can find them in the chameleon foods section on here or on the web.

-A variety of feeders is key. He may just be sick of crickets. Your other option are silkworms, hornworms, phoenix worms, superworms, dubia roaches, butterworms.

-You mention using calcium WITHOUT d3 daily and nothing else. You are missing the calcium WITH d3 and multi-vitamin dusting, which is very important for maintaining a healthy chameleon. Your schedule should be calcium without d3 at every feeding and calcium with d3/multi-vitamin dusting twice a month.

-Brown firm poop with white urates is a well hydrated chameleon. A light tint of orange is okay.

-I would look into getting a 2x2x4 cage in the next couple of months as that is the minimum for an adult male panther.

-Your humidity is fine. It doesn't constantly have to be at 80. 50-60 is fine as long as it spikes up to 70-80 after misting. A good amount of foilage in the cage will also help with trapping humidity in for a longer period.

In my opinion, it could be a number of things. It's hard to tell with chameleons as they tend to hide their illness until it's too late. He may just be tired of the same feeder or there may actually be something wrong. You're going to need to start him on the calcium with d3 and multi-vitamin dusting as soon as possible. Also, a better gutload and keep him hydrated. If possible, attach a recent photo. It will help us help you!
thats actually exactly what i was using, the flukers orange cubes. ill pickup some d3 latent stuff and a multivitamin. Im most concerned with the lack of movement, he does not do anything all day and used to be a very active animal. I posted some pictures sorry for poor quality, this is where he spends 90% of his time. this is the corner of the cage opposite the basking area away from the mister. Thanks for responding.


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Your UVB is it the flourescent tube or coil? The coils suck, also how old is it? After 6 months you need to replace it.
The pictures are pretty blurry, but are his eyes closed in the first photo? If so, at what point of the day was the photo taken? Eyes closed during the day is normally a sign of bad health.
I have never kept panthers before, and I hope this doesn't come off stupid but are you sure that is a male? The colors to me say female. Is there a bulge at the base of his tail by the vent? Maybe it is a female and needs a laying ben. If I'm wrong please forgive my stupidity. :eek:
I have never kept panthers before, and I hope this doesn't come off stupid but are you sure that is a male? The colors to me say female. Is there a bulge at the base of his tail by the vent? Maybe it is a female and needs a laying ben. If I'm wrong please forgive my stupidity. :eek:

Yeah I would also guess it was a female if I only saw the photos! :p
Your UVB is it the flourescent tube or coil? The coils suck, also how old is it? After 6 months you need to replace it.

its a coil i just bought a new one because the original burnt out , reptisun 5.0c it was the one that came with the kit so when it came time to replace i just bought the same one. it came with the kit i have one of those dual light holders
Sorry team, heres some better pictures, i got him to move so you can see him better, the guy at the pet store said he was a male, i didnt question it.


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Nope, that is definitely a male. :)

He honestly doesn't look too bad. Maybe slightly dehydrated in the 4th photo, but that could be the lighting. I believe once you begin your d3/vitamin supplements and start gutloading better, he will come around. Just be sure to monitor him closely in the next couple of days to make sure he doesn't worsen. The majority on here use the linear UVB bulbs vs the coiled ones. They are so much better and will cover a larger area of the cage.
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what about basking? can i use a the regular blue zoomed bulb? can a Cham get too much uvb? thanks alot for all the info
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