Change in behavior

what about basking? can i use a the regular blue zoomed bulb? can a Cham get too much uvb? thanks alot for all the info

If you want to, or if you want to save some money just use an incandescent I do.
I'm personally not real sure about getting too much UVB I don't think any bulb can put out more UVB than the sun. Most of us use 5.0 high output liener tube. I guess with the higher output the UVB possably the greater chance of their skin getting burnt. Don't know maybe some of our lighting experts will chime in on that one. :)
Yup sounds like you just need to change the lights and supplements. Tube lights are better as they go the length of the cage. The whole cage will fill with light. They can hide in the shade of the trees if its to hot. I don't use any heat bulbs in my cage. He just has his 4 tube bulbs which heats the cage during the day and cools off at night.

Otherwise in the photos he does look good, limited experience from me though.
Thanks everyone hes still behaving wierdly ive caught him a few times with his eyes closed smack dab in the middle of the day and i know that is no good> He hardly moves at all will move a little to eat and poop is normal in color little orange but nothin crazy. Should i bring him to a veterinarian and while we are on the subject how do i go about finding one that services chameleons?
I would have a stool sample to take to the vet for sure. But yes to be safe I would see a vet. I know there is a list somewhere on here for vets in all states. Otherwise someone will be able to tell you as well or check out this site
Does he look like he's about to shed? It's hard to tell from picks but one of my males will pretty much shut down the 3-4 days before he sheds. Way less movement, eats about 1/2 as much and no interest in outside time. Worried me the first couple times but seems to be his routine for the last 4-5 sheds. Yours doesn't look dehydrated in the pics which is good but a parasite infection may be to blame, seems like it's been going for longer than a pre shed funk now that I see the date on your original post. If you can find a good herp vet it's probably time to get him a fecal and examination. If the vet doesn't have cham experience the exam may not help but they can do a fecal test at least.
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