Changed feeding schedule

Fiona's Mom

Chameleon Enthusiast
Ok....Fiona is now about 7 Months old so it was time to cut her back to every other day feeding. Since she LOVES to eat.... She sits at her feeding cup & this is the look I get everyday when she doesn't get to eat. :mad: I think she is spoiled!!!!
Awww, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. I am not strong at the tough love either, I feel your pain. And the babies (no matter what species, reptile or human) don't understand it truly is harder on us not to give in lol
Awww, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. I am not strong at the tough love either, I feel your pain. And the babies (no matter what species, reptile or human) don't understand it truly is harder on us not to give in lol
She is not overly friendly anyway.....but on off feeding days she really has a bad attitude. Hopefully it gets better in time.
Im dealing with this with Julia, she has a "feeding perch" cause i free range the crickets. When shes hungry she will sit by the vine by the door and look out. Then when i open the door she moves upo the vine and waits lol. Its very cute but breaks my heart at the same time when i walk by and see her on it and i tell her tomorrow you can eat. She doesnt understand me but it makes me feel better lol. If you look at my profile picture thats what she does
Im dealing with this with Julia, she has a "feeding perch" cause i free range the crickets. When shes hungry she will sit by the vine by the door and look out. Then when i open the door she moves upo the vine and waits lol. Its very cute but breaks my heart at the same time when i walk by and see her on it and i tell her tomorrow you can eat. She doesnt understand me but it makes me feel better lol. If you look at my profile picture thats what she does
Oh yes....I know that look....they could be twins.:notworthy:
Awww that face!! She is so pretty. I think I may have to cut back on Chloe's as well but I hate to get that look! She gets so excited about crickets and hornworms....
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