Charlie is not eating!


New Member
Hi all,

We are new to this forum and would be very grateful for some useful advice.

We have a veiled Chameleon about 5 or 6 weeks old. We have had him (or her - not sure!!) for a week and half. When we 1st got home, he ate 5 locusts in the 1st day - then didnt eat any more!! We gutloaded the locusts with fishfood and vegs etc. After 3 days of not eating them (only 2 or 3 waxworms which he obviously loved) we got worried and took advice and bought crickets. Again 1st day he loved them and straight away ate 2! Then (we think) no more!!

This is day 4 with the crickets and after again gutloading the crickets, we dont think he has eaten any. His terranium is 3 foot tall by 1 foot wide and deep. And he likes to stay at the top on his "perch" and the crickets tend to go at the bottom.

Is this normal? Do we need to mix his food up everday or is he just either lazy? Not hungry? Or very fussy?

We even put a waxworm as far away from him so as to see if he was hungry he will "go and get it" and he didnt!!

Please can someone give us novices some helpful advice


Charlies mum and dad!
If he's that young I'd think he should be eating a LOT more than that!

Please fill this out so people can help you better:

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage construction (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and type of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Location - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
Current Problem - The current problem that you are concerned about.

EDIT: Move this question over to the Health Clinic. People will be able to find it more easily there.
At that old I think that cage is waaaay to big for him.

You said "he likes to stay at the top on his "perch" and the crickets tend to go at the bottom." well there's part of the problem.
Ah, good point Syn. I missed that part.

Have you tried cup-feeding? It's a great way to tell if the chameleon has eaten, especially if they can't escape.

And yeah, that cage does seem too big.
Was just going to edit my post and mention cup feeding! Also, variety is great for chams. Please fill out that form and get some pictures so we can help you more.
I've found that crickets will basically stick to Kale if you have a leaf in the cage and dump the crickets on it they'll stay there for a while. Try maybe putting a few crickets on some at a time and see if they'll stay there long enough to attract your cham to them.
I've found that crickets will basically stick to Kale if you have a leaf in the cage and dump the crickets on it they'll stay there for a while. Try maybe putting a few crickets on some at a time and see if they'll stay there long enough to attract your cham to them.

Wow, really? That's interesting! I'll try that sometime. :D
Hi Zelink14. Here is as much as we know...

Cage info:
Cage type: Glass on all hexagonal sides and bottom. Wooden top. Front removable glass "door" 20 inch by 15 inch. Tank is 3ft tall, and 44 inch in circumfrance. He seems very happy, basking, pirching, moving around.

Lighting: 100watt R80 reflector light and 14watt UVB lighting strip 15 ich situated at the top of the tank. Both on 14hrs and off 10hrs .

Temp: At the top (basking) 84 C and 74 at the bottom . Heat mat under glass floor (outside) 7 watts on 24hrs. Base of tank covered 1 inch deep in bark. Lowest overnight temp 65 C.

Humidity levels: We dont know how to measure this???

Plants: No live plants, just one artificial plant and 3 logs which reside from base to top around 10 inchs from basking lamp creating a "tree branches" effect.

Location: The cage is located in the living room away from window at floor level. No other pets, children, house empty during working hours.

Chameleon info:
We dont really know too much. In the shop we bought him (very reputable) It said "Yemon Chameleon" We dont know the sex and he is around 6weeks. His body is about 6inchs head to tail, and his tail is about the same. He is taken out of his tank 2-3 times a day for 5 min spells. He is very active and not in distress. He dosnt sleep during the day and soon as lights off, he settles down and sleeps. We have had him 11 days.

Feeding: The 1st day he ate 5 medium locusts, none on day 2 or 3. Introduced waxworms, 1 on day 3 and day 4. Then bought medium crickets, he ate 2 on the 1st day then none for next 3. Not sure if he has eaten a cricket in the last two days as the crickets tend to hide in the logs.

The tank is sprayed 3 times a day with hot water (Charlie removed) and a dripper is used. A aerosol top with holes in and ice cubes placed in. This is at the top of his tank and drips down the walls of the tank and on his plastic leaves. He drinks ok, we have seen him lick the walls frequently.

Poo!: The poo is long thin (half an inch) brown with whites bits - bit like bird poo.

I hope this info is enough to help us!!

Hi all,

We are new to this forum and would be very grateful for some useful advice.

We have a veiled Chameleon about 5 or 6 weeks old. We have had him (or her - not sure!!) for a week and half. When we 1st got home, he ate 5 locusts in the 1st day - then didnt eat any more!! We gutloaded the locusts with fishfood and vegs etc. After 3 days of not eating them (only 2 or 3 waxworms which he obviously loved) we got worried and took advice and bought crickets. Again 1st day he loved them and straight away ate 2! Then (we think) no more!!

This is day 4 with the crickets and after again gutloading the crickets, we dont think he has eaten any. His terranium is 3 foot tall by 1 foot wide and deep. And he likes to stay at the top on his "perch" and the crickets tend to go at the bottom.

Is this normal? Do we need to mix his food up everday or is he just either lazy? Not hungry? Or very fussy?

We even put a waxworm as far away from him so as to see if he was hungry he will "go and get it" and he didnt!!

Please can someone give us novices some helpful advice


Charlies mum and dad!

Updated Info...................................

Cage info:
Cage type: Glass on all hexagonal sides and bottom. Wooden top. Front removable glass "door" 20 inch by 15 inch. Tank is 3ft tall, and 44 inch in circumfrance. He seems very happy, basking, pirching, moving around.

Lighting: 100watt R80 reflector light and 14watt UVB lighting strip 15 ich situated at the top of the tank. Both on 14hrs and off 10hrs .

Temp: At the top (basking) 84 C and 74 at the bottom . Heat mat under glass floor (outside) 7 watts on 24hrs. Base of tank covered 1 inch deep in bark. Lowest overnight temp 65 C.

Humidity levels: We dont know how to measure this???

Plants: No live plants, just one artificial plant and 3 logs which reside from base to top around 10 inchs from basking lamp creating a "tree branches" effect.

Location: The cage is located in the living room away from window at floor level. No other pets, children, house empty during working hours.

Chameleon info:
We dont really know too much. In the shop we bought him (very reputable) It said "Yemon Chameleon" We dont know the sex and he is around 6weeks. His body is about 6inchs head to tail, and his tail is about the same. He is taken out of his tank 2-3 times a day for 5 min spells. He is very active and not in distress. He dosnt sleep during the day and soon as lights off, he settles down and sleeps. We have had him 11 days.

Feeding: The 1st day he ate 5 medium locusts, none on day 2 or 3. Introduced waxworms, 1 on day 3 and day 4. Then bought medium crickets, he ate 2 on the 1st day then none for next 3. Not sure if he has eaten a cricket in the last two days as the crickets tend to hide in the logs.

The tank is sprayed 3 times a day with hot water (Charlie removed) and a dripper is used. A aerosol top with holes in and ice cubes placed in. This is at the top of his tank and drips down the walls of the tank and on his plastic leaves. He drinks ok, we have seen him lick the walls frequently.

Poo!: The poo is long thin (half an inch) brown with whites bits - bit like bird poo.

I hope this info is enough to help us!!

My guess is that it might be too tall of a cage for his size and is having trouble hunting and finding his/her prey. Have you tried cup feeding?
like I said in the other thread the cage is too big and the crickets are probably too far away
Updated Info...................................

Cage info:
Cage type: Glass on all hexagonal sides and bottom. Wooden top. Front removable glass "door" 20 inch by 15 inch. Tank is 3ft tall, and 44 inch in circumfrance. He seems very happy, basking, pirching, moving around.

Lighting: 100watt R80 reflector light and 14watt UVB lighting strip 15 ich situated at the top of the tank. Both on 14hrs and off 10hrs .

Temp: At the top (basking) 84 C and 74 at the bottom . Heat mat under glass floor (outside) 7 watts on 24hrs. Base of tank covered 1 inch deep in bark. Lowest overnight temp 65 C.

Humidity levels: We dont know how to measure this???

Plants: No live plants, just one artificial plant and 3 logs which reside from base to top around 10 inchs from basking lamp creating a "tree branches" effect.

Location: The cage is located in the living room away from window at floor level. No other pets, children, house empty during working hours.

Chameleon info:
We dont really know too much. In the shop we bought him (very reputable) It said "Yemon Chameleon" We dont know the sex and he is around 6weeks. His body is about 6inchs head to tail, and his tail is about the same. He is taken out of his tank 2-3 times a day for 5 min spells. He is very active and not in distress. He dosnt sleep during the day and soon as lights off, he settles down and sleeps. We have had him 11 days.

Feeding: The 1st day he ate 5 medium locusts, none on day 2 or 3. Introduced waxworms, 1 on day 3 and day 4. Then bought medium crickets, he ate 2 on the 1st day then none for next 3. Not sure if he has eaten a cricket in the last two days as the crickets tend to hide in the logs.

The tank is sprayed 3 times a day with hot water (Charlie removed) and a dripper is used. A aerosol top with holes in and ice cubes placed in. This is at the top of his tank and drips down the walls of the tank and on his plastic leaves. He drinks ok, we have seen him lick the walls frequently.

Poo!: The poo is long thin (half an inch) brown with whites bits - bit like bird poo.

I hope this info is enough to help us!!


Ok, First off im not the best with all of this because im still new. I'm going to point out a few things that I see wrong just off the top of my head and hopefully someone with more experience chimes in.

To start lose the glass tank and replace it with a screen cage because the need a opened air enclosure. If your typing is correct when you say your basking is 85 C then that is WAY to hot for your chameleon so i hope your wrong. There is no need for the heat mat what so ever so you should just get rid of it. As for the bark, you don't need that either because it can cause impaction and kill your cham. If hes only 6 weeks old like you said he should be eating 15 to 20 crickets a day and you shouldn't handle him as much as you say you are.
Hello Charlie's mom and dad.

One possible reason for seeming lack of appetite may be that the cage is large and he/she is not seeing the prey. The suggestion to try cup feeding is a good one.

I echo some of the possible concerns with your enclosure, such as the heat (young ones do not need a really hot basking spot, and young or old a yemen doesnt need an under tank heat mat - they are built to get heat from the "sun"light above).

You may find reading the Raising Kitty site very helpful in terms of husbandry.

Links to other useful information can be found in my blog:
Okay, I'll just make a list... first of all, read this: It's a great blogsite made by one of our mods and it has a lot of great info.

About your cage, if your chameleon is longer than three inches form head-to-tail (which he is, apparently) you would be better to invest in a screencage. You can find them for cheep at Chameleons need fresh air else they might get too hot. :(

What brand of UVB light is that?
Also, all you need for heat is a normal house bulb. 100 w might be a bit much for a glass tank. However, if you get a screen cage and elevate the light off the mesh it should be fine.

Bark isn't necessary. It can cause impaction if they eat it. Paper lining the bottom works just fine. It's also cheeper! :)

With veiled chameleons (assuming he is one) it's not necessary to measure humidity, but if you'd like to you can buy a hygrometer. You can find them at any pet shop that offers reptile supplies.

About your chameleon...

6 inches? That does NOT sound like a baby to me... Can you post a picture of him so we can see what we're dealing with? ;)

Also, it's not necessary to take him out of the tank when you spray. It causes undue stress that may eventually kill them... :( They don't like being sprayed, but they'll hide when you do. Just don't spray him directly.

Since the crickets are hiding, I'd recommend cup-feeding. When you get a screen cage you can twist-tie a plastic cup onto the mesh, or even on the vines -- your preference. You can pour crickets in that -- just make sure they can't jump or climb out easily!

Anyway, based on your description he sounds fine... but please post a picture when you can as that'll help a lot.
Thank you all for your valubable and experieced advice. Ive taken all your concerns on board.

It would appear that the crickets we were trying to feed him were a bit too big. I bought some small ones, used lettuce in a plastic container, placed a handful of crickets (dusted with Nutrobal) in the container, and hey presto, he started eating them!!!

Thank you all again!!!

Charlies mum and dad - AKA Rachel & Neil.
Here is Charlie, and after going back to the farm we bought him, he is around 8 weeks. I have started cup feeding Charlie with smaller crickets and that seems to have cheered him uo and he is eating!!
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Finally here is Charlie! Looking bigger than normal! lol

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