Charm very sick barely moving

Also just out of curiosity is anybody else aware of or practice crystal healing? I'm very into it and it's a massive component of my spirituality. I of course ,thinking out of rationality, recognize the possibility it could all be placebo affect and understand I have to get her go a vet as soon as possible. But in correlation with my beliefs I decided to practice some crystal healing on her, I first withdrew all the energy she had stored in her chakras with a full quartz wand, then did the opposite and deposited some of my power, plenty of universal power, and a touch of power from a deity that I'm very close with who agreed to help her. Then I placed her in a grid of ascensionite stones which are believed to transmute negative energy to positive energy, and placed an aragonite pyramid in it which has the same affects. After an hour or so in there I held her and went over her body with a copper coil pendulum to detect blockages in her chakras. The only one blocked up was her root, which makes sense, so I cleansed it withdrew the power, out the same energy as before focused into her root, then expanded its electromagnetic field with my pendulum. If you do not believe in these things no hate please, just thought I'd share with you guys.

Holy Cow. I just burned some sage in my cham room just to be on the safe side...:rolleyes:
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I would focus on the male you have, and get him comfortable and attended to before purchasing another one. They are very sensitive creatures.
Turn off their night lights. They need complete darkness. Feeders should be 50-60% crix, dubia, silkworms, hornedworms, mantis, superworms, walking sticks, etc filling up the last 40%. Keep separated and out of sight, unless breeding.
Also just out of curiosity is anybody else aware of or practice crystal healing? I'm very into it and it's a massive component of my spirituality. I of course ,thinking out of rationality, recognize the possibility it could all be placebo affect and understand I have to get her go a vet as soon as possible. But in correlation with my beliefs I decided to practice some crystal healing on her, I first withdrew all the energy she had stored in her chakras with a full quartz wand, then did the opposite and deposited some of my power, plenty of universal power, and a touch of power from a deity that I'm very close with who agreed to help her. Then I placed her in a grid of ascensionite stones which are believed to transmute negative energy to positive energy, and placed an aragonite pyramid in it which has the same affects. After an hour or so in there I held her and went over her body with a copper coil pendulum to detect blockages in her chakras. The only one blocked up was her root, which makes sense, so I cleansed it withdrew the power, out the same energy as before focused into her root, then expanded its electromagnetic field with my pendulum. If you do not believe in these things no hate please, just thought I'd share with you guys.

Well, if the intended use is something I don't have experience with (if I was new to cham illnesses), my approach would be to use methods or treatments that others have used successfully first, and only then if there is no improvement explore alternatives. Sorry she didn't have enough time.
Try. Getting a water bottle. And.hold the water bottle on a. So it's facing the top of the cage and spay. It. A few. Time
In bought. My. Chameleon. After. I got my. Screen tank. From. Diy
18x18x36 I did a lot. Of. Research
And. My. Next cage is. Going. To be 48x24x26
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