Check Out This Ambilobe

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New Member
This guy is amazing us more and more each day! look at the intensity of the red on his body.


He is for sale PM us if interested.
I am going to have Michael take professional pictures of him. My camera just doesnt cut it. As we speak he is all glowing red with his green bars changing into yellow. I need to call him and set a shooting date.

How much are you asking for him? How old is he? How lon'g have you had him? Do you have his parents? Just a couple of questions for ya. LOL. Yes i could be interested depending on the price. Send me a pm.
Not to be insulting. I have $400.00 set aside for purchase of my first cham.I have splurged on housing and feeders so I currently can't go any higher. I would love to have him as my first!:D
HE was worth a try. After I pay the company taxes if he's still around I will try to get the $500+ you want....he is stunning.:)
Is he an ambilobe?

The colors are definately striking. But I've never seen an ambilobe that orange.

Yeah he is a red bar Ambilobe. Hes out of this world. Its such a crazy red that is looks orange. His reds do get deep when calm. They look like a burgandy almost like a red wine color when relaxed.
Man he is neat.

Not into the red bars yet......barely have enough room for the blue bars.

Best of luck to you,
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