Check this youtube chameleon video

Yeah ive seen this video awhile back. Crazy stuff. Theres another video of a cham eating another cham cause it kept hissing at him. Poor little guy
this was posted before but I still can't help laughing when I see it. Maybe my Jacksons are not so fragile after all. :)
That's hilarious! Takes 3 and 4 are so funny! He looks like a little green muppet, lol!:D I didn't think chams could do things fast enough to create a jump, but I guess they can!
My boyfriend's jackson did that when we were trying to check his mouth at the show he got him at. He wouldn't open his mouth for anything and then he finally just jumped off my hand onto the booth table! It's crazy what they can do.
Yeah, I think the grass is pretty squishy in the vid -- not like the cham knew that. I think that (to some degree) they can just take a fall pretty well -- naturally.
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