Checking in with New Colors


Hi Everyone!

I don't get on here much anymore, but, I like to stop in and share new Photos of Chevy. He is doing really great! He has gotten SO big and his colors are so neat. He also has come into his own little attitude. He has started to hiss and blow up when he just wants to be left alone, which we do. I think that he is a pretty happy Cham. I am so shocked at how well he has gotten with the MBD. His crest or crown has color now and has gotten pretty tall. Not to much curly or bent in the crown as there was. Take a look!


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Hi! He looks great! I like how he is taking a stroll in your yard. Pickle likes to puff up and hiss occasionally too. I just have to accept that as part of his character I guess. :rolleyes:
Chevy is looking awesome and getting so big! I love his big boy colors. :)
Yes his colors are really cool! I call him my spotted mini dinosaur. He has done so well. Now that he has grown and has color in his crown, its so mind blowing to see him now versus when I first came on here and he was really sick from the MBD. I wasn't sure if the crown would straighten up or not. He has become my new obsession!
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