Miss Lily
Chameleon Enthusiast
Today I had to make the hardest decision that an owner ever has to make. Tommy had Arthritis in his elbow and a tumour on his liver. This had grown quite quickly and although the vet examined him, the xrays told him far more. I made the decision to let Tommy go now. Sadly, I left him at the vets for xrays over 5 hours ago and didn't get chance to say goodbye to the big fella. His last few days with me were comfortable as I made him a fleece hammock under his basking spot so that he didn't have to physically hold on to a branch. Here's a few of my favourite photos, the last one is of him in his hammock, bless him. The vet is so lovely and always ends his concultations with a jovial 'Cheerio!'
So, as the vet would say 'Cheerio, Tommy'.
So, as the vet would say 'Cheerio, Tommy'.