Chillies for Crix???

See? Even this thread can have some drama....

I'll look for the other thread about chili peppers.

My feeling is that bell peppers--which are very, very mild--would be fine. They are high in vitamin C, so we generally have some around to feed the guinea pigs. I've read that the red version is higher in calcium so not as good for the pigs, but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me...however, even if true, it would only be good for the crickets/chameleons.

I would actually be surprised if the crickets would eat something that was painful or toxic to them.

***edited to add link to other thread***
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I use sweet red peppers in my gutload all the time...and sweet green ones too.

I suggested feeding the chilies to the crickets to see if they died. If they died then I guess you would have to try another insect until you found one that could tolerate it...and then if you really think you should, you could try feeding the insects to the chameleon....however after doing a search this might not be necessary...
"capsaicin did not bother insects nibbling on the peppers’ flesh"...
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I use bell peppers occasionally. Sometimes i use the red and yellow versions if i have any extra after cooking I dont use those very often as they are more expensive than the reg green bell pepers.
Hello everyone, :)

Just want to ask if it is okay to use chillies example, "serrano chillies" and use that as part of my gutloading for crix . i gutload my crix so far with (cricket feed, romaine lettuce, oranges, apples, and carrots)

All advice and responses are welcome:) (hopefully that are relevant to this thread:p)

Also if any experience with using chillies as part of gutloading , not for treats ,but actually a possible every other day feeding to crix- please chime in, and if it is possible if there is any great positive or negative nitrional value for the cham.

I dont know if serrano chillies are good or bad for insects, and I dont know if they would be helpful or harmful to chameleons, except to say that they have twice as much phosphorous as they do calcium. That's the exact opposite of what you should be looking for in a gutload.
I dont know if serrano chillies are good or bad for insects, and I dont know if they would be helpful or harmful to chameleons, except to say that they have twice as much phosphorous as they do calcium. That's the exact opposite of what you should be looking for in a gutload.

Hellp Sandra:)

yeah i sort of gave up on the chilly thing to gutload, but might try less spicy peppers like green bell peppers in the future but just a little omething on the side not a main part of gutloading...And thank you for the info on phosporus to calcium ratio and understand now it should be the other way around:eek:

i guess i will just stick to carrots, romaine lettuce, squash , apples, bananas, and oranges for now-this is what i gutload now as a main diet for my crix, if ny body considers this not too much variety or add/change something pleas met me know:)
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