Chirping Cricket!!!

Mr Wilson

New Member
For heaven's sake this cricket is driving me INSANE!! It's currently in Rosie's tank and I can't catch him for the life of me to get him out!!

Anyone have any tips about chirping crickets or how to somehow get them to stop? I tried begging Rosie to eat him but that didn't work... :p
Roaches? They don't chirp. :) you just gotta get usedto it or move her/them somewhere else.
God the pleasure I used to take in crushing those pesky chirping crickets. I hate them when they are loud enough to chirp.
I love chirping crickets at night....they dont bother me at all :)

Seriously though....see if you can squish it or catch it in a cardboard toilet roll as crickets left over night in the cage can chew on your cham when its sleeping and create nasty sores. If you cant find the cricket at least put a piece of fruit on the bottom of the cage so that the cricket will be drawn to that to eat and hopefully will stay away from your cham....also making it easier to catch/see as well.
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I like the sound of the chirps too it reminds me of being a little quinn and sleeping on the trampoline
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