Choosing a feeder cup


New Member
I'm having trouble getting my new baby veiled to eat from a cup. Eventually I wnt to feed him roaches and I want to free range so this is pretty much a necesity as far as I've read on other posts. My question is Why people often have milk cartons and other cartons lik that instead of just a cup or tupperwre, Does it provide some benefit im not seeing?
thanks guys!
When people use the milk cartons they usually put like a screen inside the carton so the crickets can climb around the feeding cup. I guess this is more attractive then just a cup with all the feeders in one place.
Yep, like Thompson says, sometimes chameleons are more attracted to the crickets climbing around vs. having to find that they're all sitting at the bottom of a cup. I personally use tupperware bowls, something with a wide top opening so that you have to be less on top of it to see that there are insects in there. Try getting creative with your feeding cup and try positioning it right under a favorite perch or somewhere of high traffic so he's more likely to see it. Putting a piece of carrot or something in the cup for the insects to munch on might also make them move more, and get more attention.
Yeah i agree with the previous comments on them being more attracted to the bugs moving around rather then just hanging out. I have a veiled from the same bloodline as you and i had the same problem at first. He will usually goes for the crickets right after i put them in there when they are still moving around a lot. A lot of it just takes time though have to be patient with these little guys. In the meantime i would just free range plenty crickets during the day for him, mine went for those before he cup fed.
ok im having trouble deciding how to train that though you know? like do i hold out and let him find the tupperware or just free range half or what do ya think?
Yeah basicly after watching him for a few days, i was able to notice where he would like to hang out. He seems to have the largest appetite in the mornings so i would place it near where he hangs out. If you are getting worried about how much he is eating though (I know i did at first) then you may want to try some silk worms. My guy cant resist those and will still eat crickets from time to time to change things up.
I use screen on my jug (just started) for 2 reasons. one so they are moving for him. 2 so that water does not fill up the jug and drown my feeders
yokay, im not real worried about him eating but just being comfortable. Post a pic of your guy if you can.

Well i made a thread earlier with pic's of him and i am pretty sure you commented on the thread, thats how i knew we had cham's from the same bloodline. But hey that dosnt mean I wont take the opportunity to post up some more pic's! lol.


cooooolio, where is yours at, like 4 months? have you seen his blues and yellows yet? I think i can tell where my Flic's patterns will be, its like they are the same as what they will but with like 10 sheets of black mesh over it
I have not seen his blues and yellow come in yet although he is still young. I would have to guess on his age since the website says he was 2 months when i bought him yet they are still advertising 2 month old babies for sale :rolleyes:. I know that some can hatch up to a month or so after the first hatchlings. Then again the site said 2 months close to a month before i even ordered him and i check periodicaly if they have updated it yet and nothing has changed. So at this point i am kind of guessing on the age but yeah i would think 4 months+ would be fairly accurate.
yeah i was frustrated that they didnt keep hatch dates. I just want to celebrate birthdays with a nice silkworm or something
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