Christmas Goody


Avid Member
My mom called me a couple of days ago while she was making Christmas goodies and asked me if I wanted anything special. I thought I would do the same for my chams, since this is their favorite food.

Wait, so there are real, legit chameleon obedience classes? Where?

Haha. Maybe I should have put a smiley face at the end of that sentence. I was just being a smartass. The only training they have received is on the photo set, but all of my chameleons have usually been pretty cooperative. If they aren't, then I don't force them. I just put them up and try again later.
Haha. Maybe I should have put a smiley face at the end of that sentence. I was just being a smartass. The only training they have received is on the photo set, but all of my chameleons have usually been pretty cooperative. If they aren't, then I don't force them. I just put them up and try again later.

Oh, ok I see! :D I couldn't get Archimedes to stay still if my life depended on it! The few lucky shots I get of him are when he doesn't think I'm looking!
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