
Where in NJ are you? I live in Union and no sign of them here yet. I have a friend in Summit and he said there's some there but not like the last "outbreak" we had.
Heard some big bugs battering the screen windows last night but they disappeared by the time I vaulted the sofa with a flashlight. I trawled the front yard a few times, but saw nothing. I thought it was time!
Cicadas can be pretty big, and their exoskeleton is super hard. I caught a couple for my insect collection. Just compare the size of the cicada to the distance between your cham's eyes before trying to feed it, dont want to hurt your cham. They are really loud too :p

Maybe you can cut the wings off and mabe those thick back legs.

I would want my guys choaking on them.

Even big boy Smeagie has to be very hungry before he will tackle with a
adult male dubia.
We have the ones that emerge every year (I guess), I live in north Texas. I was thinking about doing some night hunting this weekend for them before they hatch. I heard some buzzing yesterday so I thought it might be fun to go lookin for them.
Yes there are yearly ones.

Most of the body of the cicada is a hollow resonator chamber.(hence the ability to make such a loud god-awful noise)

While they are fairly hard bodied after drying out, they are fairly easy to chomp through, the majority of them being hallow and filled with air.
i dont know..... if its an adult sure but id never feed them to my 7 month old senagal!!! they just seem too big and hard to me!;)
i dont know..... if its an adult sure but id never feed them to my 7 month old senagal!!! they just seem too big and hard to me!;)

Ive found some that were small enough to feed a jackson.

Im no expert on them though, so Im not sure how many species there are out there.

I found the small ones in NC, as well as some that were larger than the ones Ive seen in TX.
Two pics. Hope ya enjoy.


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Holy frijoles!!! Getting impatient for ours now, though I know I'll be really annoyed with them almost immediately.
Anyone with cicadas can PM me and I'd be happy to pay you for some!

I would be extremely careful about shipping Cicadas that are not native to your area. Shipping nonnative insects is a big no no with with the State and Federal Agriculture Departments. Shipping native insects requires State Agriculture permits and shipping nonnatives across state lines absolutely requires US Agricultural Federal permits. Without permits is punishable by sever fines and the ecological costs can have devastating effects on ecosystems that these insects are not native too.
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