

New Member
At first, when I was reading everyone's posts about locusts I thought you meant these guys.


For some reason, EVERYONE in the small town I grew up in referred to them as locusts, anyway I googled it, and got that one cleared up.

So now I am wondering If Cicadas (which I thought were locusts :rolleyes:) Would be okay for an adult veiled? They are abundant around here in the summer and pretty easy to catch.

the wikipedia article on them says people eat them, so I'm leaning toward yes?
Yes, I'm pretty sure you can use these as feeders.

I've seen them mentioned a few times in lists of potential feeder insects.

Here are some sources:
"Good Foods to Feed Chameleons

(Animal Planet: Chameleons and Vitamin A)

"There is anecdotal evidence that chameleons congregate in areas where insects appear only at certain times of the year, such as when insects are attracted to coffee blooming or when cicadas hatch. When these food supplies are no longer present, the chameleons disperse."

Also, cicadas are abundant on Madagascar, where most of the world's chameleon species are from, so it makes sense that they would be a common prey item.
Cicadas are fine.
I am assuming that your state was not one on the list of
the 17 year cicadas emergence this year...several states are slated for next year.
We have at least a couple species of cicada here in Colorado but never see
a "plague" like the midwest and east coast see every 17 years.
People in Kansas and Missourri having been calling cicadas locusts forever.
Perhaps it's a Biblical referrence (again plague)...or maybe because they are in locust trees a lot?
Who knows.

haha yep I am in Missouri....

thats funny, you pretty much called that one Brad.

I barely remember the last swarm and I'm 19 now, so I'd guess we are about due? I hope its next year and not this one, because neither one of my guys are big enough to eat 'em yet.

hmm.... I bet it is next year because I don't think I'd remember the last one at all if it happened when I was 2.
sorry to bring up an old thread but i just fed my female one of these buggers and it was intense. i cannot believe she snatched such a large cicada up as quick as she did. the cicada didnt even have a chance! haha
If I remember right Solid snake had a video of a Cicada being eaten by his Cham. Sorry don't know how to find it. Perhaps someone could help with that. I think it was in May.
I wouldn't feed that to your Chameleon. If i remember correctly, those locust have very sharp talons and have jagged legs to grip onto objects with. I would think they would be harmful for your chameleon.
Cicadas are fine.
I am assuming that your state was not one on the list of
the 17 year cicadas emergence this year...several states are slated for next year.
We have at least a couple species of cicada here in Colorado but never see
a "plague" like the midwest and east coast see every 17 years.
People in Kansas and Missourri having been calling cicadas locusts forever.
Perhaps it's a Biblical referrence (again plague)...or maybe because they are in locust trees a lot?
Who knows.

??? I've never seen them...

Anyway cicadas are fine, as long as they are from a wild area with no pesticides around. My mom's family is from Arkansas and they call them locusts. When I said cicada they said, "What's that?" LOL
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