I've had my male veiled for about 3 months now. I made him a custom cage with all the bulbs specs and plants he needs to be happy. There were some holes between the tile floor, and the walls, which water could get into. I decided to fix this by putting some natural non-toxic sculpting clay into the cracks. (The white stuff) I would have put something else in, but he was arriving really soon and I didn't have time. About a month later, clay starts showing up in his droppings. I have a major panic attack, look all over the web and worry my head off. There was nothing on it, and he seemed happy so I let it be. He's eaten almost all of it now, and seems to be happier and healthier for it. My personal theory is that it helps their bodies to get rid of toxins, like it does in other animals. Could I be correct, or is my chameleon just a little crazy?