Cleaning a cage after parasites...


New Member
I just lost Jade, a baby female veiled chameleon to suspected parasites. :( She was just too tiny. We did everything we could, the vet couldn't even do what she wanted to do because she thought it would hurt her more than help her... We gave her meds, got her to drink, but she was just too small. My concern now is making sure Xerxes, my baby male veiled doesn't get sick. He is growing and is doing much better than she did. The vet gave me meds for him too just in case. How do I clean everything to get rid of the parasite though. Soap and water, just hot water, what's the best way to clean the cages, the vines, the leaves? Any help would be appreciated.
I would use a mixture of bleach and water on the inorganic supplies, dish soap on the live plants.. I use diluted bleach at work to kill parasites, viruses, and other potentially dangerous organisms.
I just lost Jade, a baby female veiled chameleon to suspected parasites. :( She was just too tiny. We did everything we could, the vet couldn't even do what she wanted to do because she thought it would hurt her more than help her... We gave her meds, got her to drink, but she was just too small. My concern now is making sure Xerxes, my baby male veiled doesn't get sick. He is growing and is doing much better than she did. The vet gave me meds for him too just in case. How do I clean everything to get rid of the parasite though. Soap and water, just hot water, what's the best way to clean the cages, the vines, the leaves? Any help would be appreciated.

I'm sorry you lost your little baby. Very young, small chameleons are very fragile, even in the best of health. Why does your vet think parasites? Did she actually see evidence of a parasite infection under a microscope?

I would put whatever you can in the dishwasher. When I am cleaning things like fake vines that have been in one cage and I want to use in another, I wash with a strong bleach solution, rinse and then run them through the dishwaster. As far as the cage, a strong bleach solution, rinse, and wash again. I leave things out to bake in the sun as well. Live plants go in the garbage. I don't even compost them for fear I might introduce some exotic parasite onto my property. (I have chickens and parrots that live outside.)
People recommended me the desinfection product f10. You should google it, and you can easily buy it online. It should be harmless for your plants and reptiles.

This is what I did:
- Threw everything out
- Boiled my drainage layer (hydroballs) for 30 minutes
- Rinsed all the earth of my plants and their roots and put them (completely) in a bucket of the f10 solution for 30 minutes
- Cleaned the inside of my terrarium with bleach and f10
- Treated my other chams with flagyl

This should be effective against almost all parasites. Only thing I couldn't find was if it kills coccidiosis, as these little devils are super resistant to desinfectants.
I just lost Jade, a baby female veiled chameleon to suspected parasites. :( She was just too tiny. We did everything we could, the vet couldn't even do what she wanted to do because she thought it would hurt her more than help her... We gave her meds, got her to drink, but she was just too small. My concern now is making sure Xerxes, my baby male veiled doesn't get sick. He is growing and is doing much better than she did. The vet gave me meds for him too just in case. How do I clean everything to get rid of the parasite though. Soap and water, just hot water, what's the best way to clean the cages, the vines, the leaves? Any help would be appreciated.

Sorry to hear about Jade! You did the best you could.
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