Sanitizing enclosure plants for parasites


New Member
Note: posting this here because it's ultimately about treating for parasites.

I had the joyless privilege of pulling a roundworm out of one of my chameleon's bums this morning. She and I were both horrified. Obviously, her cage (and all my boys) will get a deep clean tomorrow and I'll collect fecal samples from everyone for the vet.

My question to y'all is how do you wrangle sanitising live plants? Hard surfaces will be easy. I feel like most of the products that will kill parasite eggs will also roast my plants. Do I do a bleach dip like I would for my aquarium plants? What do you do?
Note: posting this here because it's ultimately about treating for parasites.

I had the joyless privilege of pulling a roundworm out of one of my chameleon's bums this morning. She and I were both horrified. Obviously, her cage (and all my boys) will get a deep clean tomorrow and I'll collect fecal samples from everyone for the vet.

My question to y'all is how do you wrangle sanitising live plants? Hard surfaces will be easy. I feel like most of the products that will kill parasite eggs will also roast my plants. Do I do a bleach dip like I would for my aquarium plants? What do you do?
I would start by repoting the plants and when they are bare root use some type of sterilizer. Then repot clean sanitized new pots and soil. I think a mild bleach water mix would work. However for the best advice I would contact a local vet or nursery about sanitizing plants. They should have more options about sanitizing plants.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
Time to put some stone on the soil. Cant get to the soil, cant get to the worm eggs.

But i dread plant shopping. The mealy bugs are always gunning for me, along with the spider mites.
Same here on the spider mites. I have had minimal issues with them until this last year. Good idea on the rocks, though. It'll help with water retention, too.
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