Clogged Tear Duct ?


New Member
Hello all! A few questions....

For about a month now my 10 month old male panther's eye has a bulging look to them. Not his eye ball itself, but more like the area and skin around his eye. If I were to describe it, I would say it looks like fluid. Like soft fluid that has built up and just kind of bluged out. I contacted the breeder and emailed pictures and he said it looked like a clogged tear duct (used for drainage apparently) and I should take him to the vet to drain the fluid and unclog the duct canal itself. Just wanted a second opinion for you guys....

Now as far as his health other's great. He has NO problems missing crickets. I can move my hand around in all different directions and his eye follows it to the T. So there is no problems with sight or aim. He's at about 5-7 large crickets a day. The crickets are fed a "cricket food gut load". He drinks from the dripper tube and is misted regularly. His lighting is on a timer from 9 am to about 8 PM. He has a basking bulb set to one side of the cage when he wants to warm up, he does. He defecates normally and has no issues there. Overall structure and appearance seems good. Other than his eyes, he's behaving normally and physically looks good. I guess I'm looking for some advice to treat it if that's possible. I know there are antibiotics that I can order for him and give him orally. So if that would be a solution, than that would be best. I have a vet apt. tom. morning.



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Poor guy, he looks beautiful, kinda looks like a pretty boy who got into a fight! lol :D I don't think this is too bad, I have seen some people post pictures of cham eyes that are way worse. Use the search tab to look up other threads, many people suggest getting something (cant remember what type of fluid it is) and getting a steady flow into the eye so it rinses w.e is stuck in there out. Wait till some one who has experience with this situation see this thread, but def also look up other threads so you get an idea of what to do.
ok, so even though im a pretty new owner myself one piece of advice i can give you is to flush/rinse the eye out a few times a day with a saline solution. It is safe to use. I come from a medical background and that's what we use when people have eye infections or something in the eye. Do that for a few days and if its not getting better u suggest taking him to the vet. My chameleon is experiencing similar problems except she wont open her eye. Im doing the same thing. I have saline syringe that i got from the hospital. Ask the pharmacy for a saline solution and get a syringe. Good luck
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