closed eyes sleeps alot slow moving


New Member
hey guys i got an issue that would be much appropriated

my veiled chameleon is acting very weird and its worrying he doesn't seem to react to anything, he doesn't open he's eyes except for a very brief period of time, he usually runs away when we try to pat him now he seems to have no reaction to us or anything around him, frankly i'm worried
Get a vet appointment ASAP with a good chameleon vet. Where do you live? Until you can get him to the vet give him some nice long warm showers or extra long very warm mistings. Jann
i live in nova scotia in lower sack ville we have a vet local but also a brand new store opened up that specializes in lizards which should i go too i mean the local vet is a general vet im not sure if it can handle chameleons
Does the new store specializes in chameleons? Chameleons are very different than other lizards. I would call the store and see if they have chameleons and if they do see if they have a vet for their chameleons.
im sad to say wade (the chameleon died this morning we took him to the vet lizard specialist and he couldn't figure out what was wrong, 10 hours later he died on the way back to the vet.
I am so sorry to hear about Wade. I have found these little animals quite fragile and hard to keep alive. Jann
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