coccidia treatment

no I didin't i probably should they get them from kammerflage kreations in ca.
and she was there for 3 days before i got her I asked them to order her for me from them
My friend got a came from a guy on Kingsnake. He is always on there so we figured it would be fine. He didn't act right from the moment he got here. We just thought he needed to get acclimated. And to tell you the truth I do not think a week guarantee is enough time to see a chams normal behavior.
It's been about after a few weeks we decided to take him the vet. Not eating enough for his age. Barely drinking, very lethargic and sleeping almost all of the time. Took him to a wonderful vet and he is now being treated with Albon, Panacur and Baytril and we have to feed him through a syringe 2x a day alternating each day with Emeraid and Carnivore care.
My others were infected with parasites but did not have symptoms. they are being treated with Albon only because we had a fecal on them. The new little guy would not eat enough to poop so he is being treated for more than one just in case.
He is fighting to stay with us. We believe that coccidia is the main problem with him. It has caused him to become emmacited and dehydrated and his uric acid levels are at 25. we will be lucky if he survives and I tell you the truth I think the guy sold him to us this way.
I really hope this is not a 7 month battle, and it really isn't fair top these animals to be sent to people this sick. They will hide symptoms until it's nearly too late to help them.
hey Ashley,

:( I know how you feel it really not fair. Did your friend get to tell this person the cham was acting strangly when you got it? If he did what happened?

I wish you all the best for your little one .... Once mine was put on the Sulfamethoxazole w/tmp susphit for the coccida it finally worked....
I'm really glad to hear that it worked.

He said he was acting fine when he was in his care. Even the day he arrived he looked kind of rough, but we had never had one shipped and he came to Maryland form California, so we thought maybe he just had a heck of a trip.

We've been emailing him the progress, but he basically said it's not his problem. We should have brought it to his attention in the first week when the guarantee was in effect. It's pretty crappy really. There is no way he could have gotten this sick in the little bit of time that he has been here. I am convinced he got sick there and just didn't show signs. And to tell you the truth even though he is my friends cham, I live here and am the main caretaker. It is not a husbandry problem because if so I would have 9 other dying chams. And would never have been successful in getting a 22 egg clutch and have my female thrive afterwards.

Sorry I'm ranting, but thanks for the kind words and support.
Well I guess the lesson we learned the hard way is to not purchase from certain breeders, and when you find a good one :) Stick with them....
We havelearned that lesson for sure. Our newest one is on the way from screameleons this time. He will be quarantined until we know his status is. I imagine there won't be any problems though.
you guys like Screameleons ?? I wish I would have asked on this board before i got this little girl I would have went there for a female
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So are you trying to say I am to blame for the parasites in my cham by saying I let it roam around in the first day I had it and on the second day when I looked at the poop worms were wiggling in it? I thought pre existing conditions were more like nip tails, missing toes, curve in back... things that you were told about when you were purchasing the animal.

Not at all!
I said that any animal for sale should be healthy, and an obviously sick animal not be offered for sale. You were dooped, and that sucks. I do know that there are more options for crickets these days, and some are better than others. It's basicly a crap shoot, and for that reason I don't switch my feeder supplies because I might introduce something unwanted.
Be very careful with your other chameleons if one of them has coccidia. I would isolate the chameleon to a different room altogether and wash your hands about 50000000 times a day. I have never had to treat for it thank god, but have heard enough to know that it can be deadly to chameleon colonies.
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This thread has gone off topic. Please keep it to the treatment of coccidia or create an additional thread. This thread may be split later today if time allows.
UPDATE ::: the treatment with tms ( the vet said tms is the way to go less stomach irritation and she has had far better results with killing coccidia) is going very well i was happy to see she dosent mind me squirting the 0.07 ml of this solution in her mouth at all she gets a little irritated about it and paces the cage for about 5 min or so then settles in and eats a cricket or 2 then goes back to being herself (best of all for 10 cc of the tms (40 mg per 5 ml) was $2.00 at the pharmacy i'll let you know on the progress when i get the results of the fecal back but so far so good!!:D:D
That's wonderful news. Hopefully she will let you continue to let you give her the meds. Mine have learned all my tricks by now and don't cooperate anymore....It's actually a bit amusing.
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