Obtained 2 chams that had lived outside . Vet diagnosis is coccidia. Remove all living and porous accessories. Bare minimal needed to feel secure and have gradient. If it gets poop in it toss it. Cleaning it only spreads the bacteria around more so minimal decor , lots of sanatizing. So my questions and suggestions as I’ve spent the last hour reading all the afore mentioned suggestions....
Q: has anyone made wooden dowel jungle gyms or used dowels and continuously dispose of them if they get soiled through this process ?
Suggestion : make the gym or use thumb tacks on them Pre measured and cut dowels that have been spray sealed with wood sealer to make it less porous?
And using a $20 Walmart garment steamer to spot clean ...
suggestion : care sheets with specific stuff like parasites and sanitize quarantine cage and list of things needed and where to buy like Amazon master lists for stuff like peroxide , mg syringe , scales, safer fake plants glue gun zip ties and dowels etc.
Q: has anyone made wooden dowel jungle gyms or used dowels and continuously dispose of them if they get soiled through this process ?
Suggestion : make the gym or use thumb tacks on them Pre measured and cut dowels that have been spray sealed with wood sealer to make it less porous?
And using a $20 Walmart garment steamer to spot clean ...
suggestion : care sheets with specific stuff like parasites and sanitize quarantine cage and list of things needed and where to buy like Amazon master lists for stuff like peroxide , mg syringe , scales, safer fake plants glue gun zip ties and dowels etc.