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My chameleon is extremely bored of crickets, so I want a new food source. I am going to order Blaptica Dubia Roaches but they will take a while to get here. Are (small) hissing cockroaches ok to feed as a treat? I ask this because my friend breeds them and says she always has too many, so she gives them away for free and it would be great to get free food. I would obviously pick out small ones for my chameleon. My chameleon is an adult jackson, by the way.
My chameleon is extremely bored of crickets, so I want a new food source. I am going to order Blaptica Dubia Roaches but they will take a while to get here. Are (small) hissing cockroaches ok to feed as a treat? I ask this because my friend breeds them and says she always has too many, so she gives them away for free and it would be great to get free food. I would obviously pick out small ones for my chameleon. My chameleon is an adult jackson, by the way.

For free?!? Imma have to set her straight! I'm trying to run a bidness and she's handing out freebies?? :eek: :D Yeah, hissers are great! Lots of meat and good protein! ;)
roaches are an awesome staple feeder, not just a treat. I say start breeding your own hissers AND dubias especially if you can get hissers for free!
My chameleon is extremely bored of crickets, so I want a new food source. I am going to order Blaptica Dubia Roaches but they will take a while to get here. Are (small) hissing cockroaches ok to feed as a treat? I ask this because my friend breeds them and says she always has too many, so she gives them away for free and it would be great to get free food. I would obviously pick out small ones for my chameleon. My chameleon is an adult jackson, by the way.

Absolutely, hissers make a nice addition to a varied diet.
Mine have been reproducing well. What are you doing with yours?

They've been breeding for a couple of months now. I put some loose coconut fiber in to help with the humidity. Feed them carrots, kale, bugburger and some dry stuff that I get from a LPS. Just trying to build the numbers... :) What do you do?
They've been breeding for a couple of months now. I put some loose coconut fiber in to help with the humidity. Feed them carrots, kale, bugburger and some dry stuff that I get from a LPS. Just trying to build the numbers... :) What do you do?

same thing I do for my dubias. No substrate, only egg cartons and toilet paper rolls in a glass tank with screen lid, just toss them scraps and some premade gutload, and I have an under tank heating pad.
same thing I do for my dubias. No substrate, only egg cartons and toilet paper rolls in a glass tank with screen lid, just toss them scraps and some premade gutload, and I have an under tank heating pad.

That's what I do for my dubs. I was having problems with the hissers and it was suggested to add the substrate. Bam! They started breeding almost immediately. Could have been coincidental...
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