Color Question w/ pics! (cont.)


New Member
Chameleon- Hatched May 11, 2011
Handling- Once - twice a week
Suppliments-Repashy Super Foods Calcium Plus (bought from the Kammers)
Water-I have the Big Dripper and a Mist bottle
Feeding-Small crickets gut loaded with Repashy Bug Burger (Also from Kammers)

Cage Info:
Cage type-16x16x20 mesh cage
Lighting- 5.0 Reptiglo tube with 18 inch hood
Humidity- I try to keep it as close to 50% as I can
Heating- heat lamp with a 60w lightbulb
Temp- Stays from 80-65 (day-night)
Plants-a good sized Schefflera covering most of the cage. Also have a large piece of gnarled wood with fake vines drooping throughout the cage.
Placement-on a desk in front of a window about 3 feet above the floor.
Timer-Timer for light and heat lamp to turn on at 9am and off at 9pm

Okay! A couple days ago I asked about his coloring and how far it usually takes to show some try colors. He is showing some reds and a couple small spots of blue (which is weird because the Kammers 'Oh-My' is mostly orange red and yellow). Some members asked to show some up to date photos so I just took some and here they are! The first one is him attacking a cricket. So cute


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I got my Panther from the Kammers and he didnt start showing lots of color until about 5 months maybe 5 and a half, just like yours little bits of red on the neck it just takes a while. Mine will be 7 months in a few days and he is showing good color now. On my guy when it started to come it came fast how many sheds have you noticed? Seems like it came in more after a few sheds for mine
The sire is red and yellow even when resting?

They sometimes go through color phases that eventually disappear as they get closer the the 24 month mark. At that point, it is unlikely that they will develop any new colors.
When he sleeps he has dark red (like blood red) stripes and is a light sand color. I have only seen two sheds since I've had him. I doubt he had any before I got him
Panther Chams often develop colors at different times, as well as change colors completely from juvenile to adulthood.
This is normal. My Cham looked like your guy when he was 4 months and started to show colour when he was about 5 months. He is now 7 months and looking really good. I have been dusting my crickets with super pig from Repashy, Which has been working really well.
This is normal. My Cham looked like your guy when he was 4 months and started to show colour when he was about 5 months. He is now 7 months and looking really good. I have been dusting my crickets with super pig from Repashy, Which has been working really well.
Great news! thanks, I'm just excited and eager to see what he will look like since ive never seen a full blown panther with color other than on this site :D
Great news! thanks, I'm just excited and eager to see what he will look like since ive never seen a fulol I have ll blown panther with color other than on this site :D

Lol. I have been feeling the same. It changes fast, take a pic every week and you will be able to notice a difference. If you can find the super pig use that. Also make sure your crickets are getting a good diet as that will help too. Im still new to this, but what I have been doing seems to be working well.
Hello, what kind of material is the mesh? Is it wire/iron or pvc/harware cloth ?
I want to buy one so i can wrap my frame:p
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