Color scheme question…


New Member
Okay, I have another simple question about the veiled chams.

How old are they when they usually display a color or pattern? Also, can they be just a solid green with no other colors?

The reason I ask is because mine is pretty boring when it comes to coloration, but I’ve seen some pictures on here where there are distinct colors and patterns on chams about the same age… which is about two months.

Thanks in advance… again!
well i got my female at 4 months, and they usually stay a solid green till about 6 months, but when my girlfriend got her male at 2 months he had some patterns here and there but other times he was solid green. I think it just all depends on the cham and when it matures more and grows.
Hey man

All chams r different but don't worry your chams color patterns will show up no later than 6 months just be patient ;)
Patience! :) All in due time. You'll probably start to see a little color come in in the coming months, and then it'll only get better in leaps and bounds from 6 months on.
If you are not seeing any darker spots and/or patterning, then your cham must be happy! At that age they get darker patterns when they aren't happy about things. My female got her adult colouring at 6 months, but she had darker patterns showing through a bit before the browns and blues appeared. She also got the dark spots and stripes when she was pissed at me!
So, does that mean ALL of them get colors?

Mine has only been pissed off once... and that was when I was trimming some of the plastic branches in its cage. It turned DARK brown... like a shadow had covered it up- crazy.

Most of the time it simply walks to the other side of the cage when I mist or wipe the bottom of the cage out... and it runs away when I try to pick it up, but never changes color. I also spend about 15 minutes a day (not all at once) talking to it in the hopes that it gets used to me like my gecko. That crazy fool RUNS to my hand when I put in his tank.

Also, is it typical for the chams to stalk the crickets until they're gone? I'm feeding 8 a day... and within the hour they are all gone.

Overall, I just need to get through this "baby stage" and I'll breathe a sigh of relief. I was pretty happy to find a turd the other day... and my wife was like, "Seriously, you need to get out more." Too funny.
It's good that he chases down 8 crickets in an hour. Im in the same boat as you, my cham was on a food strike and today he finally free ranged crickets, and I yelled in joy lol. My wife looked at me like I was taking some other female out to dinner. She must not be that bad though as I have 2 bins of crickets and 2 bins of dubias and she doesn't bitch that much. :)
So are these colors/patterns anything to worry about, she shows this a couple times a day I notice.
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Sorry, but I'm not familiar with veilds to know their colors but I must say that your little girl is a little cutie!! :)
Probably means something spooked/stressed her. Mine is always a solid green until something spooks her a little and then the dark spots emerge. It's probably something like she caught a glimpse of the cat or someone's red shirt, who knows. But see if you can spot what might be stressing her a little and see if it can be changed.

For my guys it's the camera I have. As soon as they see the metalic camera come out half of them get spooked and dark.
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