Colour query


New Member
Hey, I have an Ambilobie X nosey be male who is just coming up for 2 years old. I got him from a reputable breeder who looks after him when I am on holiday, the breeder seems to think he is very small for his age he is about 7inchs nose to vent. He frequently goes off his food despite me trying to vary it as much as possible and as of late he has gone a little pale . . . It's strange really as when I pick him up from the breeder he has more of a green colour to him then after a few weeks at home he is mostly orange/red, any ideas about what that could be?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
P.s. Will upload picture the first two are from today and the bottom two are how he used to be.


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All chameleons are individualistic, even in size. If there is such a drastic difference in color, you might compare your husbandry to that of your friends. What temperatures are you keeping in his enclosure, both basking and ambient?

He's beautiful and without a doubt the best fed panther chameleon I have ever seen. Chunky monkey!!! :)
He's just a smaller guy but that just means its genetics or during his growth time range he didn't eat a lot. He is a very nice looking chameleon.
The top 2 pictures, he's showing some edema behind the head, along with his stressed out color. He's suffering from some kind of environmental or internal stress. In the bottom 2 pics, he's got no edema or fluid retention and is displaying normal colors. Probably something in your husbandry needs adjustment. Fill out the "how to ask for help" form under the resources tab at the top of this page.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Panther chameleon coming up for 2 years.
Handling - a couple of times per week.
Feeding - he is fed on locusts, crickets, wax worms, banana roaches and woodlice.
Supplements - Calcium d3, calcium, multi vitamin (all exo terra)
Watering - an automatic misting system ( mist King) comes on every 2 hours during day for 30secs, only see him drink when it is from a pipettes.
Fecal Description - I haven't seen any for a little while as all the bugs in the coco fibre drag it down.
History - he once had some medication as something had irritated his stomach.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - glass exo terra, 2ft by 3ft.
Lighting - Exo terra duel lighting 2x 10 uvb, 2x 50 W halogen bulbs ( all in same unit). Halogen 100W bulb on a thermostat for basking at 88f day time. Comes on at 7am goes off at 7pm.
Temperature - 88/89 basking 70 at floor. Lowest overnight temp? 65. How do you measure these temps? Exo terra gauges.
Humidity - 87 at highest 62 at lowest. How are you creating and maintaining these levels? With the mist King. What do you use to measure humidity? Exo terra gauge.
Plants - Live plants, don't remember the plant but def checked it was chameleon safe before purchase.
Placement - In the front room (where it has always been).At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? 4ft.
Location - Where are you geographically located? England.
The top 2 pictures, he's showing some edema behind the head, along with his stressed out color. He's suffering from some kind of environmental or internal stress. In the bottom 2 pics, he's got no edema or fluid retention and is displaying normal colors. Probably something in your husbandry needs adjustment. Fill out the "how to ask for help" form under the resources tab at the top of this page.
Please see above.
The reason he may only be drinking from pipettes is that the misting sessions aren't long enough, usually they need at least 1 minute and sometimes up to two minutes to stimulate drinking. I have a jackson who won't drink unless it's been three minutes and will continue drinking a full minute after so her mistings are 4 minutes long. The lights sound like they are going to be way too hot. But I'm not sure, are you measuring with a dial gauge or a digital? I would get a digital they are much more accurate. His cage also doesn't sound big enough, the minimum cage size for a panther of his size should be 2ftx2ftx4ft.
Measuring with a digital gauge. When we got him the breeder told us that he didn't need as cage as big as the one he is in. It's the largest Exo terra cage they do . . .
Does is matter if they get covered in water during the misting as I'm always worried about him getting cold? Also what temps do you think he should be at?
The reason he may only be drinking from pipettes is that the misting sessions aren't long enough, usually they need at least 1 minute and sometimes up to two minutes to stimulate drinking. I have a jackson who won't drink unless it's been three minutes and will continue drinking a full minute after so her mistings are 4 minutes long. The lights sound like they are going to be way too hot. But I'm not sure, are you measuring with a dial gauge or a digital? I would get a digital they are much more accurate. His cage also doesn't sound big enough, the minimum cage size for a panther of his size should be 2ftx2ftx4ft.
See above.
Well if you are using a digital thermometer his temps are fine. And I wouldn't really worry about him getting cold during mistings, he will move out of the water if he doesn't want to be misted.
Well if you are using a digital thermometer his temps are fine. And I wouldn't really worry about him getting cold during mistings, he will move out of the water if he doesn't want to be misted.
Cheers for your reply. Will try misting for longer.
This is his cage, do you reckon I need to change anything?


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