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Upload pictures of your cage, and your little buddy. Note any cool stuff youve got going, ie homemade misters, cricket feeders, ect
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Upload pictures of your cage, and your little buddy. Note any cool stuff youve got going, ie homemade misters, cricket feeders, ect

Here is some of the herd getting some sun.



I use the costco racks for most of my chams... It lets me wheel them outside easily to clean them all and give them sun. They are all set up with herp mist misting set up... With the really cool corner mount design ;-) (jason haha)
Here's the Female's setup:

Here's the queen herself (she puffed up for the camera):

I also have a baby male veiled, but he doesn't like his picture taken.
Parsonii cages

A few cages for the parsonii.


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Damn! Curtis, how many Parsonii do you have there? Leave a couple for the rest of Very cool dude. Are those adults in those cages? Are you breeding them?

We will be trying this coming year to breed them! We have 3 adult females and two adult males and 10 that will be ready next year if all is well. We would like to have 20 in total before we are done. We just sold a young pair that I hated to let go of but need more room for the adults until we get our green house built.

I love that you keep plants outside of the enclosures as well.
I have recommended this before to help raise humidity and make the animals feel more it looks great!

Here's a picture I just took.
This is all I got! (at least for now)

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I love that you keep plants outside of the enclosures as well.
I have recommended this before to help raise humidity and make the animals feel more it looks great!

Hhhhmmmmm, gives me an idea for the new set up...

Thanks for that...:p



this is my baby enclosure. its empty right now because my baby passed away :( but i just bought a little nosy be yesterday and so it will be inhabited very shortly! i'm very excited!

thats my enclosure...i'm rather proud of it! the adult size enclosure is still in for repairs so i won't take pictures of that mess yet haha.


thats some malaysian driftwood. i got it from one of the local pet supermarkets...but most don't look as nice as that. they are primarily used in fish aquariums. it was a good find.

heres a couple pictures of the tank i set up yesterday. its for a baby, glass to help with humidity. winters here are about 10% humidity maximum, so its hard to get the appropriate humidity.



buying a pothos for it today
Just finished female jackson's cage...may end up partitioning it off and making it a cage for both my male and female but still keep them seperate.
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Built this Lizard House out back this summer. The most of the hanging plants are pothos and purple passion plants. I'm hoping they'll eventually be a "plant curtain" :D

You can see Baltizar in the second cage.

View attachment 2924

From the other direction. Still need to put on the door cover.

View attachment 2925
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Built this Lizard House out back this summer. The most of the hanging plants are pothos and purple passion plants. I'm hoping they'll eventually be a "plant curtain" :D

You can see Baltizar in the second cage.

View attachment 2924

From the other direction. Still need to put on the door cover.

View attachment 2925

Very cool! What are the dimensions of your structure, and what type of fabric did you use? Do you keep them out there all year?

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It's 18'x12'. Gives me about 17x11 interior. Not sure what you mean by fabric. Basically, I got a shed shell, tiled the floor with a couple drains and a tile edging, roll up insulation, plyboard with tileboard halfway up, and drywall the rest of the way and the ceiling.

The cages are screen, except for one baby cage that's one of those cloth ones that I can fold up when she moves to a full size sceen one.

They stay out there year round (I was glad to get my living room back!), it's got AC in the summer and space heater for the winter. Also a humidifier.

It's got more plants than usual because I had to bring some in from outside.

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