Yep, he shot his tongue at me again. lol for those of you who hadn't read my previous thread, my jackson chameleon, Tricky shot his tongue at me twice the other day. He did it again today, but this time shot it at my hand when he saw it. What happened was I walked in the room, he went over to me (still in his enclosure, so got as close as he could get to me while still inside as I was several feet away) and he shot his tongue in the same direction I was. I went over to the enclosure, he followed me with his head and when I lifted my hand to get the enclosure door open, he shot his tongue at my hand even though there was no food there. The rest of the day until he ate (I had to go to the store to get more crickets because ant completely wiped out the ones I had over night, and my sister fed the rest to her bearded dragon while I was sleeping…ants…-.-) he continuously followed me with his head. lol Does your chameleon communicate with you?