Compact light question !


New Member
I have heard the negative effects this lights have on chameleons eyes but i am wondering can it do other damage to chameleon?

Example can it aid in causeing MBD?
i was lucky enough when i had a compact for 6 months no signs other then being less active and then i got a reptisun from a friend of mine :p and i can tell shes more active idk why but shes better
I have heard the negative effects this lights have on chameleons eyes but i am wondering can it do other damage to chameleon?

Example can it aid in causeing MBD?

If you get a bad one that effects your animals eyes, it may avoid it, and thus indirectly contribute to MBD,(long term) but not directly I would think.
An animal the suffers the effects of bad lighting will be stressed and may cease eating/drinking, in this way other 'damage' may be done to its general health.

Depending on the output of UVB of a particular bulb, UV burns (skin damage)
are possible, as has been claimed here. Other than that nothing ive heard of. :)
Well ive kept Sternfeldi's for about a year now with coiled bulbs and have not ran into any problems. But then again, thats no amount of time really learn from. But according to many respected keepers here, coiled bulbs arent to good for eyesight which leads to blindness.
I wonder though, why would Exo-Terra continue to keep selling products that would critically affect animal husbandry? Its leading to a chain of bad husbandry:p
Well ive kept Sternfeldi's for about a year now with coiled bulbs and have not ran into any problems. But then again, thats no amount of time really learn from. But according to many respected keepers here, coiled bulbs arent to good for eyesight which leads to blindness.
I wonder though, why would Exo-Terra continue to keep selling products that would critically affect animal husbandry? Its leading to a chain of bad husbandry:p

Honestly....I think because it brings the money in. They are a business and pretty products sell.
Well ive kept Sternfeldi's for about a year now with coiled bulbs and have not ran into any problems. But then again, thats no amount of time really learn from. But according to many respected keepers here, coiled bulbs arent to good for eyesight which leads to blindness.
I wonder though, why would Exo-Terra continue to keep selling products that would critically affect animal husbandry? Its leading to a chain of bad husbandry:p

its not bad for all reptiles, chameleons have sensitive eyes which makes it harmful to them but its not bad for some other reptiles to my knowledge.
cfl vs linear

its not bad for all reptiles, chameleons have sensitive eyes which makes it harmful to them but its not bad for some other reptiles to my knowledge.
its probably ok for some of the desert chams , for instance c. namaquensis, it thrives in the namib desert, probably well suited to gilas , but i think for most chams, its just too bright, in too concentrated an area, try staring at one, and see how long you can go, (metaphorically speaking , NOT ACTUALLY RECOMENDED). A CFL 5.0 IS APPROX 400% more concentrated than a linear of the same wattage (based on a 24" linear) and thats not counting the reflector , if you must use one, i would recomend extra distance, and ditching the reflector
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