Complete set up


New Member
Hi there,

Im completely new to the forum and chams but ive been keen to get one for a while now. I just really wanted some freindly advice concerning what sort of viv and equipment to purchase ready for when I buy the cham. Ive scoured the net and read many different ideas on what best suits a cham. I have also spoke to a breeder and a specialist reptile shop but both gave me different opinions. If anyone with a male panther could give me a full run down of all the gear they have i would very much appreciate it. Thanks
Where are you located-the advice would differ according to where you are. Overseas? canada? US?
1)Cage-65-100$ (aluminum screen) priced depends on size.
1)Retisun 18" 5.0 15$
1)fixture for reptisun 5.0 26$
1)house bulb for UVA 2$
1)fixture for house bulb 7$
4)supplements(calcium with D3, calcium w/o D3, Herptivite, Miner-All I) 22$
2)vines 14$
2)live plants 15$
1)misting bottle 3$

I think that is all, but probablly not
Shopping cart has been updated.
Product Qty Total
Zoo Med 18" 5.0 UVB bulb
$13.99 each $13.99
16 x 16 x 30 inch Aluminum screen cage
$54.99 each
Cage Color: Silver
20" fluorescent hood fixture
$26.99 each $26.99
Zoo Med Digital Thermometer with probe
$6.99 each $6.99
Regular Clip lamp
$5.99 each $5.99
Exo Terra Jungle Vine Medium
$7.99 each $7.99
RepCal ultra fine calcium with D3
$4.99 each $4.99
Rep Cal Calcium WITHOUT D3
$4.99 each $4.99
RepCal Herptivite supplement
$8.99 each $8.99
Printable page for money order
Continue shopping
Subtotal $135.91
Shipping $16.95
Total $152.86

With this set up you can add live plants and a mister (spray bottle or pump-up style) plus a regular 60-75W household lightbulb and you are ready to go for a young Panther 2-4 months old...
i have a shopping checklist on It's on the frontpage bottom right in pdf format.
Thanks peeps, Im in the UK if that makes a difference. The reptile specialist i spoke to said to be weary of US set ups cos the climate differs. Also they recommended a glass Viv, this was to maintain the heat and humidity. And they said that no stress would occur to the cham cos there generally captive bred and more than likely have lived in a glass viv from day 1. Ill check out all the set ups youve posted. Thanks again
Cheers Julirs and regards the pm no im not Indonesian or Malay Im English and as far as I know Jago which is my surname has Spanish roots and ive been told it means hunter. Anyways thanks alot for the advice
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