So all has been going well the last 2 weeks since my last post. I fixed Her new huge cage, got her lights and drip system installed, and set up her big laying bin. She was eating awesome and having a grand old time. She stopped eating a week ago last Thursday, so then when I came home this past Friday from work my daughter told me she went into the bin at 1:30 pm, all I could see of her at 430 was the top of her head. I left her alone until she emerged at 11:15 pm. In which time I misted her and tried to feed her. She drank but didn't eat. I then dug up her eggs. She had a total of 38. Since she layed them she still isn't herself. She has only eaten 3 super worms for me and a cricket or two. I've also noticed her laying down a lot more. Should I be concerned? Is there something wrong? She is skinnier and hasn't gone back to her bin. She is pooping and it looks normal she is also drinking. Just not eating.